Introverted Affections (Cedric Diggory)

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A lot of people wished this was Regulus, but unfortunately it isn't. Or maybe fortunately ... I guess it depends on whether you prefer Cedric to Regulus.

This one shot was requested by 4-D_Alien years ago, and it's only just being posted now. Anyway, I don't like this one. I feel like it's a let down compared to the one shots I've been putting out recently, so I can only say I'm sorry 

All I can say is, after you read this one, if you don't like it, head over to one of the one shots you do like, and it give a re-read

(I'm posting this an hour early because mama deer is tired and needs to sleep)


Every year, without fail, the moment I boarded the train, I wanted to fall asleep. I wasn't sure what it was about the train or the journey to Hogwarts, but the moment I was settled into the carriage with my friends, I could feel my eyes growing heavy and wanting to drift shut. Forcing myself to keep my eyes open, I tried to listen to the conversation going on around me with little effect. Already used to it, and knowing me far too well, Engle rose to her feet, reaching up to slide open the window to let some cold air into the compartment. It worked, making it easier to open my eyes.

"Is that better?" Lara asked, settling down on her seat again.

"A little," I admitted around a yawn. "Where's the trolley lady? Helga, I want some coffee."

"Or, you just wait until after the prefects meeting," Fiorilli started slowly, peeking up from the magazine she was reading. She turned the page as she pointed out, "Once that meeting's done, you can come and nap."

"So you can talk shit about me, Violetta?"

"Of course." She said with a dry smile, peeking up at me from under her lashes. When she saw the way I was looking at her, she started laughing properly.

"Mean," I mumbled, casting a glance at my watch. "Speaking of, I need to get a move on."

Waving my goodbyes, I grabbed my bag and walked out of the carriage, making my way to the end of the train, for the prefect's meeting. On my way, I ducked into one of the toilets, changed into my uniform and stuffed my clothes into the bag. Straightening out my tie, I exited the toilet and continued to make my way down the train.

One of the carriage doors was thrown open with a loud slam, making me jump in surprise. Putting a hand to my racing heart, I looked with wide eyes to the carriage door where the male fifth-year Prefect stood. Cedric, finding me and realising that he'd scared the life out of me, looked down at me with a chuckle. Flushing with embarrassment, I held his eyes only until I heard his dormmates begin to jeer behind him. Cedric continued to laugh, cursing his friends as he did so, and I was quick to look away. But not before realising that his smile had dimmed a little at my reaction.

I moved to continue on my way and stopped midway through my movements when Cedric stepped partially into my path. He reached out easily to take my hand, holding it steady, "Come join us."

His dormmates, having heard his quiet words started echoing, "Yeah, come join us, Kim. Spend some time with your boyfriend."

Flushing further at their words, I drew my hand away from his. Raising my eyes to his, I just said, "We've got that Prefects meeting, so I'm going to get going."

"I need to go to that anyway," Cedric insisted, "Let me just change and we can go together? Just wait here and I'll be back?"

I risked a glance behind Cedric, to where his dormmates were waiting eagerly, watching me with teasing smirks. Hayden wiggled his eyebrows at me and I tried not to laugh. They were my housemates and yet since I'd started dating Cedric, I hadn't been able to put up with their teasing. I wasn't too sure I could put up with the teasing without Cedric there as a shield, ready to swat away their comments.

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