Creative Commentary (Lee Jordan)

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Look at that - a one shot actually posted when I promised it would be. 

This was requested by hannah270 who asked for a Lee one shot (if you've changed your username, I'm sorry). Anyway, this was requested ages ago and I only just got round to it. To everyone else whose requests I haven't written yet, don't worry I'll get there eventually. There's about 30 requests left to be written and posted before requests open again. This could take months for me to complete because of the length of my one shots so I'd really appreciate if people could hold off from making any requests. When requests are open, there's going to be a notice posted to this book and it will have all the information necessary. 

This is unedited, but here it is 


When the older students told us that OWLs were going to kill us, I thought they were lying. Helga, we'd all thought they were lying. They really hadn't been lying. The workload was definitely much higher than I'd anticipated and if this was what O.W.L.s was like, what the hell would N.E.W.T.s going to be like? Shaking away the thought, I folded up the essay Snape had returned to me and pushed it into the bottom of my schoolbag.

Adjusting it on my shoulder as we walked out of the Potions lab, I tuned into the conversation that Moriah and Aspen were having.

"Could you believe it?" Aspen asked incredulously, turning towards me and realising that I hadn't been paying attention, she shook her head good-naturedly. "I'm not even surprised, Thomas."

"Sorry," I said with a sheepish smile.

"We're talking about how Diggory almost burnt down the common room," Moriah filled me in, peering around Aspen in time to catch my sigh. "How many times is he going to set the common room on fire because of a stupid dare?"

"He's a bloody adrenaline junky," Aspen agreed.

"Imagine how I feel," I grumbled as we turned onto the main corridor, "I'm the bloody prefect that somehow always ends up doing rounds with him. One of these days, I swear he's going to get into a fight with Peeves and I'm going to get caught in the crossfire."

Moriah and Aspen shared a look, bursting into laughter at even the image of it. Making a face, I let them continue to rib me about the sheer torture it must be to have to do rounds with the school golden boy – oh the injustice.

"If you were one of the ones about to be targeted by Peeves, then you'd know how I feel."

"Who's being targeted by Peeves?" the question, asked by a male voice was so startling that I actually stopped in my step.

Glancing to my left, I looked in surprise at Jordan who, last I'd paid any attention to him, had been leaving the Potions classroom behind us with the Weasley twins trailing alongside him. Sure enough, when I cast a glance backwards, I found a pair of very amused Weasley twins dawdling towards us. When they were so obviously amused, something was up. Or about to explode.

"Well?" Jordan repeated as we manoeuvred silently to the side of the hallway so as not to start a traffic jam in an already crowded common room. "Who's being targeted by Peeves?"

"I don't see how that's any of your business?" Aspen piped up; eyes narrowed. She was all too aware of what happened whenever the Weasley twins and Jordan looked so pleased with themselves. The last time they'd set off a dung bomb to get back at the Slytherins, she'd been caught in the crossfire.

"We're going to be late," Moriah pointed out with a concerned look at her watch.

And that was enough to prompt us once more. Beginning to walk once more, we prepared to run towards the greenhouse – no Puff wanted to the late to Herbology. Not when the teacher was our head of house.

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