Puppy Love (Colin Creevey)

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This one is about, as many of you guessed, Colin and this one was a bit odd to write. I literally always thought of Colin as that little first year with the camera and even when he died, although he was a sixth year, I kept thinking of him as if he was still a little kid. Did anyone else or was that just me? Anyway, here it is~


The portraits that filled the school were bloody nosey. They liked to interfere with the business of the students and I just happened to become the target of their interest. The portrait, one of the many whose names I couldn't remember, was trying to find out why I had been sneaking around the school last night, long after curfew. I had insisted that I was feeling peckish but the stubborn portrait wouldn't accept that. She had concocted some outrageous plot that I had snuck off to meet my 'forbidden beau with the red and gold tie'. I was left staring at her with barely concealed annoyance.

Firstly, I was a second year. And secondly, I had no 'beau' - let alone a Gryffindor one at that. What was it with the portraits and the appeal of a 'forbidden' love affair between a snake and a lion? Salazar, it was enough to turn the stomach.

"You really love a good story, don't you?" I asked with a slightly incredulous smile.

"Of course I do," the painting of the elderly woman defended, letting out a startled noise of surprise when a flash illuminated the corridor.

I turned suddenly, towards the flash to find a first year Gryffindor standing in the corridor, camera held aloft. My lip curled; of course, a Gryffindor. He gave a slightly sheepish smile, lowering the camera and approaching us.

"Did you just take a picture of me?" I asked suspiciously, reaching a hand out to forcefully delete the picture. He hurriedly held it away from me and I narrowed my eyes, "So? What do you think you're doing?"

"I was just taking a picture," he insisted innocently and I crossed my arms.

"And why did you take a picture of me?" Raising an eyebrow, I watched the fair-haired boy shuffle on his feet. "Well?"

"I liked your expression," he responded simply, taking me by surprise.

"You liked my expression."

He nodded absentmindedly, looking to the camera he held between his hands. I watched as he perked up suddenly, looking between me and the camera. If he asked to take more pictures of me -

"Do you want a copy?" he asked excitedly, "I think it turned out pretty well."

"Do I want a copy?" I repeated, wondering why I had been reduced to repeating everything he said.

He nodded, looking a bit like a hyperactive puppy. "I can copy one for you if you want. With magic - because I didn't know you could do that before."

He was muggleborn, I realised with a start. My eyes drifted over him with a slight frown. Father would kill me if he found out -

"Keep the picture," I declared loudly, halting him mid speech. He frowned, looking like he was going to object. "Let me give you some advice -"

"Colin. Colin Creevey -"

"Let me give you some advice Creevey, don't go around taking pictures of random students." My eyes narrowed in on the tie looped around his neck, "Especially not Slytherins - I can't promise that they would all respond as ... amicably as I have."

With that, I turned away from the first year without bothering to see the way he responded to my words and continued on my way to the great hall. Heading to the Slytherin table, I settled down on the other side of my brother.

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