Changing The Champion (Cedric Diggory)

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"Are you alright sweetheart?"

I let out a sigh at the sound of the question. It's not as if I was a child who couldn't look after themselves at a quidditch match. I would be fine but as far as my mother was concerned I might as well have been a train wreck.

"Mum, I'm fine." She didn't need to know that I was lying through my teeth.

Mum came and sat down next to me at the table. I was eating breakfast, waiting for Dad to come downstairs so that the two of us could leave for the world cup. Mum poured me a cup of tea and handed it over to me. I took it with two hands and raised the cup to my lips.

"Did you dream of anything?" She enquired as she buttered her toast, watching me from the corner of her eye. I watched her closely, knowing where she was going with this.

"No Mum I didn't."

But I had. I couldn't tell her that I had though because if I did then everything would become so much worse than it was destined to be. It was my burden to bear and if I attempted to share my burden with someone else then there would be consequences.

"Come on sweetheart," Dad called out as he reached the bottom of the stairs and picked up my backpack as well as his own. "We'll be late otherwise."

Rising from my chair at the table, I took my backpack from him and slung it over my shoulder. Waving a quick goodbye to my mother I followed Dad out of the house. We continued to walk until our home faded into the background and we entered a forest.

I didn't think that I was made for going on long treks. Dad was already far ahead of me and I couldn't keep up with his fast paced steps. It didn't help that his legs were almost twice as long as mine. Walking quickly I moved to catch up to him as he slowed his pace down considerably in order to match mine.

"Remind me again," I said as we approached yet another tree. "Who are we supposed to be meeting here?"

"Some of the people I work with in the ministry; Arthur Weasley and Amos Diggory."

"And they'll be bringing their kids as well right?" I asked, knowing how bored I would be if I was the only younger person with the three adult men.

"That's what they said."

If Arthur Weasley was coming then that meant that some of his children would be coming but which ones? Perhaps the younger ones? And wherever Ron was he always took the opportunity to take Hermione and Harry along with him. It was almost guaranteed that where Amos Diggory went he dragged his son alongside him.

Cedric Diggory. Every girl knew of the Hogwarts heartthrob and golden boy. Both titles that he had rightfully earned. He stood over 6ft tall, towering only a couple of inches above the Weasley twins. With the chiselled features that were paired with dark hair and grey eyes he was often perceived as a "pretty boy". Yet with an aptitude for charms, transfiguration and DADA, it was clear that he was rather bright. This paired with the fact that he was quidditch captain; seeker as well as his title of prefect gave him his golden boy status.

Dad and I continued to walk and I wondered how in Merlin's name Dad knew where to go if everything looked the same. He suddenly stopped and waved a hand in the air. Looking ahead of us I saw the Weasleys. Whilst Dad talked to Mr Weasley I headed straight towards Hermione.

Our trek continued until we met up with Mr Diggory. A sudden blur fell from the tree. Seconds later we found out that the blur was in fact a boy. It was Cedric to be precise. Ginny, Hermione and I shared a look as we turned to look at Cedric who gave us all a charming grin.

Harry Potter One Shots (Vol. I)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें