Secret Little Rendezvous (Viktor Krum)

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This is a little late because I came home from a 10 hour training shift, anyway I hope you like it ~

I know a lot of people have been waiting for another Viktor one shot

Also - to get his accent right, I might have studied his scenes a lot. Hopefully I got it right 

(... as always, it's unedited) 


Magical law had always interested me. Even in school as we studied magical regulations and rulings, my mind always lingered on why certain laws came to pass and why certain people won their trials and others lost them. My friends had teased me that magical law was where my Slytherin ambition came into play; in the courtroom and defending my clients. But, the problem lied in the few occasions where my client wasn't innocent. If my client was innocent, it was easy to convince the jury, to make the judge understand and when I won the case - and with a high success rate I had- I was pleased, and satisfied that I was making an actual difference to my client's lives. The issue was when my clients were guilty -

When my clients were guilty and were obviously guilty, then I had to become an actor, one that could weave such a skilled performance that a defendant that was so clearly guilty, simply could not have been guilty. Or could not have been proven to be guilty. I won those cases as well because it was my job. And the bittersweetness of the win lingered with me until the next case arrived on my desk and I had to push it aside so I could focus on the new one. My colleagues that had been working on this job for far longer than I had, insisted that it got better. I couldn't be so sure if they got better at handling it, or if they got better at pushing it away.

"How am I supposed to defend this arsehole?" I asked aloud, stretching my hands above my head to ease the ache in my back. I must have spent hours studying the case papers, hunched over and cross-legged on the sofa to try and adjust my moral compass that so many people were certain Slytherins did not possess.

Sighing, I dropped my arms and picked up the papers that had fallen onto my lap. Pushing my glasses up the bridge of my nose, I leaned against the back of my sofa, settling down once more to look over the sketchy details of the incident that the defendant, my client had given me.

"Salazar, he's making this easy for the prosecution," I mumbled under my breath, thumbing one page and turning it over to read the back.

Closing my eyes, I rested my head against the back of the sofa and summarised what I knew; my client was being tried for the murder of his sister because she had been caught dating my client's so-called enemy. My client lied - shockingly badly for a murderer - that his sister was so mortified at being caught that she turned her wand to her own head and cast a bombarda. If he was going to give me such a hard case, he at least needed to improve his lying skills because Salazar's soul, I saw right through him in our first meeting. He was going to be an easy target for the prosecution.

"Maybe I should've become a prosecutor."

Sighing again, I lifted my head, tucking the papers back into the case folder and spelling it shut. Lifting my glasses, I rubbed at my tired eyes before replacing them again. I had wasted hours trying to mount a defence and was struggling because I really didn't want to defend him; truthfully, I didn't even want to be in the same room as him. Maybe I'd consult my coworkers and see if they could make sense of the situation I found myself in.

Deciding that I'd earned myself a break, I rose from the sofa and winced when my knees cracked from having been stuck in one position for so long. Walking to the kitchen, I filled the kettle and switched it on, rifling through the cupboard for my green tea. Putting a bag into my mug, I waited for the water to boil, drumming my fingers against the countertop. The very last thing I wanted right now was to stop thinking about the case, to actually use my break to relax, but it was all I could think about.

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