Karma (Viktor Krum)

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Did I almost forget that I was supposed to post today? No! What gave you that idea?

So, this is the result of a dream I had. When I was writing this I didn't have a copy of GoF on hand so I didn't have anything to use as reference for the way Viktor speaks with his accent. I hope it's alright ~

The wizarding world was doing its best to make amends after Voldemort was finally killed. Even two years on, Britain was still struggling to return to its former glory but we needed to move on. And how did the quidditch loving masses decide to accomplish this? The Department of Magical Games and Sports had teamed up with the Department of International Magical Cooperation to organise a friendly international tournament. Whilst the quidditch fanatics in the country flocked to watch the game, the ministry workers only became more high-strung as the workload increased.

As an employee of the Department of Magical Games and Sports, the amount of work I had to do had increased drastically over the last few months and it finally cumulated to this last month leading to the tournament. Countries from around the world were sending their quidditch teams to take part in the tournament but sent them ahead in order to practice on the tournament pitch. Quite how organising all of this was my business, I didn't know.

I also had no clue when it became my duty to welcome the quidditch teams as they arrived at the meeting spot. Merlin's beard, I was supposed to be handling the paperwork, organising the accommodation and catering. I wasn't supposed to be fronting this entire thing! Where was my no-good boss when you needed him?

"Who else is supposed to be coming?" I asked my co-worker as I looked over the list of teams and organised an escort for the Welsh team who were waiting to be led to their accommodation. Within seconds another one of my co-workers was at my side, leading the team towards their accommodation.

"The German team's portkey is scheduled to bring them here within the next ten minutes," Mandy Brocklehurst said as she read something off from her clipboard, "But the Bulgarian team's portkey was brought half an hour forward - they should be getting here soon."

"The Bulgarian team," I repeated, feeling my heart fall into my stomach.

Mandy looked at me, concern displayed on her face, "Why is there some sort of problem with them arriving early?"

I was supposed to be off duty when they arrived, I thought with a frown. Instead of voicing my thoughts, I cleared my head and looked around the empty field. There was no sign of the arriving teams.

"We need to organise their escort," I said after a moment's thought. "I'll take a look at the schedule and see who's free to pop over."

"This is why you're in charge," Mandy nudged me with her shoulder as there was the distinct pop that followed magical transportation. "I'd have never thought of that."

I didn't bother to respond to her. Instead, I walked towards the team's luggage which had been magically transported over first. The players would follow shortly after. Mandy walked alongside me as I came to the luggage, picking up one of the tags only to drop it when I realised it belonged to the Bulgarian team.

"You handle the Bulgarian team, Mandy," I ordered, moving to backtrack when the team themselves arrived with the portkey.

"You're avoiding the team," she accused as the Bulgarian team and its coaches scanned the field and saw us waiting to greet them. "Why?"

"I'm not avoiding them," I insisted with rolled eyes, "Currently I'm trying to figure out why the German team isn't here yet."

"You're lying," she declared but said nothing else as the team approached us.

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