Just Right, My Type (Charlie Weasley)

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My 9 am lecture was cancelled this morning so I got the chance to finish this off~

No matter how many of these meetings I attended, they never ceased to be boring. It was always the same old announcing of the rules and outlining the code of conduct that the prefects needed to follow. There was no way that was going to ever be fun; even if the current head boy happened to be very easy on the eyes.

Godric, that was my best friend! I really needed to stop thinking about him in that way. Now if only someone would tell my heart that.

If there was one good thing about Bill becoming head boy, it was that he hated these meetings even more than most of the other prefects did. Combined. He hurried through the introduction and finished delivering his material in record time and all that was left was for the head girl to deliver her speech. She took her sweet time, not noticing the way eyes were beginning to glaze as she went on and on. When she finally reached the end of her speech everyone was already on their feet, hurrying out of the prefect's carriage to return to their friends.

I planned to do the same until an arm slipped around my shoulders. Looking up at the smiling Weasley, I raised an eyebrow. "What do you want Bill?"

"No need to be so prickly, Mullan," Bill teased acting as though I was the reason he was currently hovering around the door of the carriage.

But we both knew the truth. He might have been currently trying to keep a rather mediocre conversation going with me but his eyes were trailing after the Hufflepuff witch who was walking out of the meeting. One of these days Irwin was going to look back and catch Bill in the middle of his staring and she'd easily recognise that lovelorn expression in his eyes. When that day arrived, he'd be screwed. And not in the way he wanted.

At some point it had stopped hurting - the knowledge that the feelings I had for Bill would remain unrequited and would never progress beyond that. But it didn't mean that I received some sort of sick happiness because Bill was currently feeling the way I had for years now. No, instead I was a little disappointed with him for making things so very messy.

"Oi, Bill," the other Weasley in the carriage called out, making Bill drop his arm from my shoulder. As Charlie approached I watched as the defences were slammed back up over Bill's true feelings and his attraction - affection - for Irwin was shoved away again until the time arrived when he was ready to truly think about how he felt.

"What?" Bill asked, turning towards his younger brother. Merlin, even the sight of the approaching Gryffindor was going to give me anxiety, the nerves bubbling in the pit of my stomach. It was only time until he asked - he always asked.

Whilst the two brothers conversed, I took the chance to try to sneak away without bringing any attention to myself. But, unsurprisingly it didn't work. Without bothering to glance my way, Bill caught my sleeve and held me back before eventually nudging me towards Charlie with a chuckle. Before I could show him just how colourful my vocabulary was, Bill turned to approach his waiting girlfriend. Godric, that boy needed to sort out his emotions.

Looking away from Bill, I faced the Weasley he'd left me with. Charlie appraised me from head to toe, and the slight smirk curling at his lips told me I didn't want to hear what he had to say. I turned promptly on my heels, walking away from him and unsurprisingly, he followed after me.

"How was your summer?" he asked, dropping into step beside me and his previously perverted thought was abandoned.

"My sister got married," I answered shortly.

"Sounds fun," he murmured, tucking his hands into his pockets.

And because I was a cow, I couldn't help but add. "It was fun - I hooked up with the best man."

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