The Lupin Protection Squad (Remus Lupin)

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I have no idea why, but it was an uphill battle to get this one posted 

This was requested by OrangeGeckoGirl but I should warn you that I'm not satisfied with it

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This was requested by OrangeGeckoGirl but I should warn you that I'm not satisfied with it. Mainly because, due to you changing accounts, I couldn't access our original conversation so I couldn't find the specifics of what you requested. I tried to remember most of it from the top of my head so if this isn't actually what you requested then I can only apologise but I really couldn't access the conversation. But I hope you like it anyway ~ 

Oh, quick question just to satisfy my curiosity; favourite marauder? I think most of the fandom prefer Sirius. I'm not going to say who my favourite it, but I just wanted to know what my fawns thought. 

As usual, I had left an essay until the very last minute. It was such a regular occurrence that I was sure I didn't even feel as stressed as I once did. If anything, I felt a little apathetic or rather disappointed in myself. At the beginning of each term, I promised that I would try my very best to keep up with my work, to do it on the day it was set and I really did try. For the first week I did manage it, and then ... I slowly started to slip up. Helga, I wouldn't be surprised if my dormmates had placed bets on whether I had left things too late again.

And so I was left to my own devices to look through the library on my own, scanning each of the shelves in search of the textbook that I had by some miracle remembered that my professor had recommended we use as a source. Merlin, I couldn't even find a single bleeding copy of the bloody text. I really should have listened to my dormmates when they told me to start it sooner. But everyone had always said that I was uncharacteristically stubborn for a Hufflepuff and true to that statement, I hadn't listened to them. But of course, now I severely regretted it. As I always did.

I would never leave another essay so late again. Really, I wouldn't. But then again, I always promised that to myself. Although I could hardly be blamed for falling behind with my schoolwork when you considered that I had been forced to serve detention every day for the last week. Of course, I would have the bad luck of being caught duelling in the corridor with curfew rapidly approaching around the corner.

That hadn't been my fault either. Really. It was hardly my fault; I'd been walking back to the common room – after sneaking a late snack – and happened upon a group of sixth year Slytherins crowded around a younger student. I wasn't the sort of person that could have just walked past such a sight; especially considering that the student that was being harassed was a little second-year muggleborn who, when I came to his defence, I realised was a member of Ravenclaw house.

The Slytherins made the mistake of severely underestimating my abilities to hold my own in a duel – as many always did. And well, I'd been gracious enough to do nothing more than injure them enough to land them in the hospital wing – all four of them.

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