Earn Me (Sirius Black)

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I'm so surprised at how many of you guessed Bill over Sirius but well, if you don't want Sirius, I know some other people who will appreciate him ~ (I might keep him for myself though)

I think I'm getting back into the hang of uploading more regularly. It helps that I'm finished with work for now and because I'm heading back to uni in a few weeks that might change again. But hopefully it doesn't.

Now this request was made by cupcake_cutie22 who made a very unique request. I've never had someone send me a link to a scene and asked me to work from that alone. It definitely inspired me with quite a few different ideas but eventually I did a very cliche soulmate AU. Hopefully it'll be worth the very long wait ~

 Hopefully it'll be worth the very long wait ~

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In the wizarding world, your 17th birthday was important for two reasons. Both happened because you were an adult in the eyes of the Ministry. Firstly, you were now legally allowed to do magic outside of Hogwarts. And secondly, the Ministry themselves wrote to you to tell you just what the future had in store for you. Or rather, just who. And that was why I was so on edge today.

On the morning of my 17th birthday, I sat anxiously with my leg jumping up and down under the table. Drumming my fingers against the table top, I pushed my food around the plate as I waited. Every few minutes, I would continue to look around the hall to see if the owls were anywhere in sight. My friends continued to watch me but made no comment on my nervous habits; they had behaved the same or would behave the same on their 17th birthdays too.

And then the moment that I simultaneously looked forward to and dreaded at the same time was on the horizon. The owls flew into the Great Hall in one large flock and instantly headed straight for their owners. My eyes trailed after every owl, wondering how I was supposed to identify a Ministry owl and because I knew I wouldnt be able to do that, my eyes instead followed each owl that approached the Hufflepuff table. That was until one of the owls soared down and perched on the table next to me, waiting.

The rest of the chatter of the Great Hall faded into background noise as my eyes raised to meet my dormmates. At my continued hesitance, they silently prodded for me to take the letter that the owl was holding out towards me.

With a deep breath, I reached out with a faintly shaking hand. The owl flew away instantly, disappearing into the crowd of retreating birds. Staring down at the letter in my hand, I turned it over slowly and focused on the Ministry wax seal. Inside this letter, this small letter was potentially the key to my future. Merlin, this letter was supposed to tell me who my soulmate was and from a young age, it was all the Wizarding world told us to look forward to. And now the moment was here, but I was so very terrified. No one ever talked about how the sight of an ordinary envelope was enough to freeze the blood in your veins.

"Young," Aliki Walters prompted and I swallowed before breaking the seal.

"I don't think I can," I admitted quietly, wincing at just how much my voice was shaking.

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