Keeping Up With Traditions (Sirius Black)

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Everything was so different. Sure, the train station looked just like a regular one except it wasn't. And I knew it wasn't. What type of train platform did you need to run through a wall to get to?

I stared at the solid brick wall in front of me and turned to look at the girl beside me. Lily gripped my arm tightly and we both looked determinedly back at the wall. The two adults behind us let out an indulgent sigh.

"Honestly girls," they sighed although I could hear the slight doubt in their voice. "It's simple. Just run at the wall."

"You go first then." I said looking over my shoulder.

Dad squared his shoulders and said, "Alright then, I'll go first."

Standing in front of the wall, he set out on a dead run. I winced, waiting for him to slam into the wall but he didn't. Dad passed straight through it and I felt my eyes widen. Well, I'll be damned.

"See girls," Mum said setting a hand on our shoulders. "There's nothing to worry about. Now hurry up the two of you or we'll be late."

Sharing a determined look with Lily we ran at the wall together. I closed my eyes anticipating the impact of the brick wall but it never happened. Opening my eyes, I stared wide eyed at the platform that I had just stepped into. While Lily and I looked around the platform Mum had followed us through, pushing the luggage trolley with her.

Dad stood a few metres ahead, waiting for us. When we had all gathered together we followed the crowd of people as they made their way towards a red train. The Hogwarts Express. Secretly I had to admit that I was jealous of Lily who would get to go on this big adventure all by herself.

Growing up, Lily and I had always been together. What else would you expect from a pair of twins? But the discovery of her magic had almost driven us apart. It was not her magic but rather the poisonous words from Petunia that had almost turned me against my sister. But there was nothing that could overcome the bond between a pair of twins.

Now, Lily would get to go off and explore this new world without me. And I would be at home with Petunia until it was time for me to attend my school as well. Mum and dad anticipated how out of place I would feel without Lily by my side, and had allowed me to enrol in a school of my choice. It just happened to be a boarding school which could save me from the horror of Petunia's company.

The warning whistle of the train blew. Lily had at most ten more minutes with us. She turned to look at the three of us uncertainly and I watched her hug our parents. When our parents had let her go she walked over to me, holding her arms out for a hug.

"Remember to write to me every week," I muttered into her hair. I squeezed Lily tighter in my arms and she hugged me back just as tight. "It'll be difficult not having you around me all of the time."

"I promise." She pulled back from me and pouted slightly. "I can't believe that you can't come with me! You're my twin. Surely if I'm a witch then you must be too."

"I guess it doesn't work that way," I said gently, smiling at her indignant expression. "We're not identical twins Lily - our genes aren't exactly the same. Maybe you got the gene for magic and I didn't. It doesn't change that we're sisters."


Lily let out a started shriek as she was shoved roughly into me, her sentence cut off mid-way. I let out a gasp, wincing at the impact of Lily hitting my side. Straightening up Lily gave me an apologetic look. Turning her attention back to whatever had hit her, she glared at the two boys that were standing in front of us. Really, they could have had the grace to look even a little bit sorry. But they didn't.

Harry Potter One Shots (Vol. I)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin