Through the Grapevine (Regulus Black)

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Look at me, actually updating whilst I'm supposed to be on a hiatus ~

This one was requested by -baekonic who gave me quite a unique request. And because it was such a unique request, I had to go about writing it in a different way than normal. But you'll see what I mean when you actually read it. Hope you like it 

A usual evening in the Slytherin dungeon consisted of students cramming around the fireplace to catch up on everything that had happened throughout the day, or even to forget it. But, for the sixth-year girls, they usually found themselves tucked away in the safety of their dorm, safe away from listening ears. They needed their privacy because, as they themselves admitted, they did have a rather horrendous habit of sticking their noses into things that had absolutely nothing to do with them. Of course, Aniya McGrath would defend herself – and her friends – that they were preparing themselves for their lives outside of Hogwarts. Knowledge was power, and the power one could get from knowing someone's dirty secrets was immense.

The same Aniya was now about to enter her dorm room to hold court amongst the rest of her dormmates. But that would only depend on whether one of the girls was still in the library as the baseline chatter had indicated. Pushing the door to her dorm open, she risked a glance at the bed beside the window, the one that belonged to the only female Malfoy born in generations and she allowed herself a satisfied smile. It was only when Malfoy was away that Aniya could be the one in charge.

"Ladies," she called out on her way to her bed. Setting her bag down on the mattress, she sat cross-legged and waited for the attention that she knew would come her way. And sure enough, the remaining four of her dormmates, instantly stopped what they were doing and looked curiously towards her.

They, of course, knew that she was preparing to share some gossip with them all. But still, as Aniya drew out the dramatic silence, Makena Ayala rolled her eyes. "Get to the point McGrath."

Aniya, knowing better than to make a comment about the other girl's impatience, cast a glance around the room; they were all paying attention to her. Good. Now she could speak. "Guess what I overheard in the library."

"You were in the library," Yuliana scoffed from where she was painting her nails. "Are you sure you didn't get lost?"

"I'm going to ignore your dig, Scott," Aniya said with nothing more than a narrowed eye, "because of what I found out." And knowing that another dramatic pause would get her a pillow thrown in her direction, she explained, "Black broke up with his girlfriend."

The still silence that answered her declaration almost made up for the downright rude reception she'd received initially. Of course, the silence was one that mirrored the silence when they'd found out that Regulus Black was dating someone and that someone wasn't Malfoy. They'd all thrown a hesitant glance towards their dormmate who hadn't so much as looked up from the letter her brother's fiancée had sent her. But they were all certain that she was heartbroken. In fact, Aniya liked to think that Malfoy cried had herself to sleep. Jazlyn was quick to call her on the lie, refusing to hear any slander of the Malfoy girl. Wiggins always did play her card safe, keeping them close to her chest whilst knowing who was really in charge.

This time, much like the last time their dorm had fallen silent after a bombshell of gossip, Makena was the first to speak. "We're all agreed that he broke up with her because of the crush he has on Malfoy, right?" She cast a glance around the room, "Surely none of you bints are stupid enough to think that there's any other explanation?"

Harry Potter One Shots (Vol. I)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora