Invisible (Fred Weasley II)

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Wow it's been a while

I've just been busy with a lot of things so I haven't had much time to write

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I've just been busy with a lot of things so I haven't had much time to write. Also, wattpad has made an announcement that all private chapters will have to be made public as they're removing the private function. As a result, it'll be harder to keep an eye on plagiarism again. So my dear fawns could help me by alerting me to it if you find any, then I'd be super grateful.

Now this one shot, is one that I ran by you guys before. Remember I hinted at a story line with a gif from Princess Diaries? This is the outcome of that. 

"How does the summer go so quickly?" he complained, reaching out to hug me again.

I squeezed my arms tight around him and returned the embrace, even as I met my mother's eyes over his shoulders. Mother rolled her eyes and I did the same but quickly wiped my features before he could see.

"I promise I'll write letters to you," I assured him, withdrawing from his embrace and reaching out to grab the handle of the luggage cart.

"We know you will," mother assured, nudging my father when he refused to say anything.

"Make sure you write every day," he said eventually, with a deep frown,

My mouth parted incredulously and I shook my head, adamantly insisting, "Every week." If I feel like it.

My father went to protest instantly and before I could point out to him that receiving letters every day would be boring, that I would have nothing to say to him, a hand clasped my arm. The contact was so sudden that I almost jumped, whirling around to see who was standing behind me. Following the arm up and up and up, my eyebrows rose suddenly as I studied the boy – man maybe – that was there, reaching out for my attention.

Fred dropped his hand from my arm, shuffling silently under my stare. When I continued to look over him in surprise, taking in the new breadth to his shoulders, the strengthening of his jawline and just how much he'd grown over the summer. Forcing my eyes away from his exposed forearms, I met Fred's insistent gaze and wondered if at that moment he could read my eyes like he always claimed he could. Rowena, if he could then he'd know in an instant that his change in appearance was doing dangerous things to my heart. And here I was thinking that this year I might have actually managed to get over him.

When he arched a silent eyebrow, I cleared my throat and experimentally squeezed his arm. Merlin, that was firm. "What the hell have you been eating, Weasley?"

Rolling his eyes, he responded to my words with a simple shrug. Looking awat from me, Fred stepped forward to greet my parents. I listened distantly as my parents and my very best friend exchanged pleasantries and instead watched Fred from the corner of my eye. Sure, his physical appearance might have changed, but underneath it all, he was still my Fred Weasley. Beneath the inches he'd grown and the muscles he'd put on, he still had that same one dimpled smile and that habit of reaching out towards me whenever I was near. He'd confessed after James had plied him with fire whisky, that just reaching out to brush his fingertips against the back of my hand comforted him whenever he felt a little anxious. But what did he have to feel anxious about?

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