A Losing Battle (Louis Weasley)

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As suggested by the title of this one shot - Louis is the main character for this one. It was so hard to think of hints for him because there's so little information available about some of the next gen characters. Oh, and just to clear something up - I researched a bit and it turns out that Louis is the youngest of Bill and Fleur's three children.

Anyway, I had some fun exploring the few known characteristics of his (mainly, him being part veela)

Looking down at the open textbook in front of me, I twiddled my quill between my fingers, scanning the text meticulously. I needed to complete my Care for Magical Creatures essay or else I wouldn't be able to go down to Hogsmeade this weekend. Leaning towards the book slightly, my eyes flickered back to the half-filled piece of parchment that was my essay and I sighed. Merlin, I'd never finish it at this rate. Ignoring the sigh I heard from the person sitting across from me, I continued with my essay, my quill moving across the parchment. By the fifth consecutive wistful sigh, I'd had enough.

Putting my quill down on the table top, I finally looked up, eyes narrowing on the distracted girl sitting across from me.


At the sound of my voice, Alice turned in my direction. Her eyes finally focused onto mine as she wiped the dopey smile from her face at the sight of my narrowed eyes. Giving me a bashful smile, she picked up her quill and returned to her own discarded essay. But she didn't have me fooled - not even a minute later, she continued to sneak glances at something from the corner of her eye.

"Sorry." She gave me a sheepish smile.

"What are you even looking at?" I muttered, looking in the direction that she had been so hellbent on looking in. Once I had found the object of her avid fascination, I couldn't help but scoff, eyes scanning over the male figure.

Louis Weasley, sat a few tables away from us, unaware of the stares he was receiving from many of the girls in the library. From where I was sitting I could see the way his cobalt blue eyes searched the text with an eagerness that could rival that of Rowena Ravenclaw herself. Whatever he was reading fascinated him to such an extent that he couldn't bring himself to push the hair that was falling into his eyes, away from his face. My fingers twitched with the urge to brush the hair away and I frowned; Merlin, he was annoying.

Making myself look away from Weasley, I turned back to Alice only to scoff at the look in her eyes. She raised her eyes defensively to mine. "What?"

"You have a boyfriend." I reminded her needlessly.

"I know that, but it's Louis Weasley, he's just so..." she trailed off, realising that I wasn't following. Straightening up in her seat, she frowned slightly, "Besides, it's not like I'm cheating in anyway - there's no harm in looking, now is there?"

"Oh, please." Picking up my quill once again, I returned to my abandoned essay. "The only reason he seems to have any sort of appeal is because he's part veela."

"So?" She kicked me gently under the table and I looked up at her with a disgruntled look when my quill scraped against my parchment. Pulling my wand out from my pocket, I removed the unnecessary ink with a quick wave of my hand. "Whenever someone talks about how handsome he is, you always throw a fit. Every single time. You claim to not find him attractive."

"And you're point is?" I raised an eyebrow.

"My point is that it's impossible for you not to find him attractive," she enthused, lowering her voice as she leaned closer towards me. "It's scientifically impossible!"

"We live in a world full of magic and you're trying to preach to me about science?"

She rolled her eyes and demanded, "Look me in the eyes and tell me that you don't think he's attractive."

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