The Dangers of Pride (Sirius Black)

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Gosh, it was a struggle to post these two. The wifi has been a pain so I couldn't post anything yesterday but I've managed to post this today. Truthfully, I'm not really proud of this one, so sorry khaki83101 but I hope you like it anyway. I was so desperate to post this that I haven't edited it yet so please look past any errors~

The second one shot will be posted in an hour or two. 

If you asked the students of Hogwarts what their favourite part of the year was, they would probably tell you that it was the train ride to school. And I'd agree with them. There was nothing better than catching up with your friends after a long summer apart. Whilst the train ride took up the largest part of the day, it always passed so quickly that it seemed too short. But, perhaps the undeniably best part of the trip was the trolley that made its way up and down the train. Then again, it wasn't like there was someone that didn't like food.

The only downside to the trolley was that my friends and I had devised a system where a simple game of rock, paper, scissors would decide our fate and choose a single person to get the food. Ever since we'd decided on the system, I hadn't been caught a single time. But I'd gotten too full of myself and karma came back to bite me in the arse.

So, as I left our carriage, I tried to remember the long list of snacks and sweets that I'd been asked to bring back. Walking down the carriage, I dodged through the couples who were catching up in the corridor and made a disgusted face. Merlin, there were empty carriages for a reason!

Dodging past yet another couple, I continued on my way towards the trolley only for my steps to slow when I saw the person on their way back from the trolley. Black hadn't clocked me yet, too busy talking to Pettigrew and I wanted to make sure that remained the same. Rowena, I even contemplated turning around and ducking into one of the empty carriages until he walked past. Except, why would I do that? It wasn't as if I had been the one to do anything wrong! That was all him! So why should I go out of the way to avoid him? If anything, it should be the other way round!

Straightening my shoulders, I looked ahead and forced myself to walk step by step as if I hadn't seen the Gryffindor in the first place. I knew the moment he'd seen me; his steps had come to a halt and he ushered his friend away from him.

"Moore," Black tried to call out to me, but I played deaf and walked straight past him. He didn't bother to call out towards me again, and if he had done, I wouldn't have turned back towards him again.

Heading straight towards the trolley, I joined the queue for the trolley and patiently waited my turn. By the time my turn had arrived, and I'd collected all the food, I frowned down at the large amount. Rowena, I really should have listened to my friend when they told me that I'd be needing a bag. But because I was stubborn, I hadn't listened to the well-meaning advice and was forced to walk with arms laden with the sweets.

Turning around to head back towards my compartment, I actually stopped in my steps. Merlin, he was actually waiting, and I wouldn't have been arrogant enough to believe that Black was waiting for me, had he not started to walk towards me the moment I'd turned around again. Clearing my throat, I started to walk again and brushed passed Black without a single word. I heard him sigh at receiving my cold shoulder but that was none of my business. If he didn't want to be ignored by me, then he really shouldn't have behaved like that last year.

Black might have been a lot of things – arrogant, bull-headed, stubborn, infuriating –

He might have been a lot of things, but he knew when to quit. And because he knew when to quit, he knew better than to follow after me. Merlin, I had no idea what I would have done if he had followed me. At least he had that much sense.

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