The Best of Magic (Tom Riddle)

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As promised, here's the next one shot ~ 

This one is about Tom - and it was a really hard one to write. For some reason, the Tom Riddle one shots take more planning because the plot can't be as carefree or even as fluffy as the one shots for any other character. Anyway, I hope you like it 


Attending Hogwarts had never been part of my life plan. From a young age – from the very moment my family had discovered that I was the one to inherit the Lovegood family blessing (or even curse, depending on how one looked at it), grandfather had insisted that I be schooled at home. He insisted that it was better for me to stay within the safety of our home, to prevent myself from being exposed to things that would put me at risk. And in some way, I'd agreed with him. I had grown so accustomed to the small pleasures of being at home, of having the security of my family around me as various tutors walked in and out of our home to ensure I had the best education. Just the idea of having to be away from home for the majority of the year made my heart sink like it was made of lead.

And yet, it was now a reality. Somehow, father had convinced my grandfather that I was old enough to go to Hogwarts, that in order for my magic to truly be strengthened, I needed to be exposed to greater stimulation. Grandfather had conceded, turning a deaf ear even to my own protests. Although – before he'd helped me Floo over to the castle he had promised that all it would take was one owl for him to pull me from the school. Part of me wanted to owl him at the earliest convenience but I also wanted to make him proud.

And so, I'd stood beside both my grandfather and my father in the Headmaster's office. The headmaster, Professor Dippet, rose instantly from behind his desk at the sight of us. Coming around to shakes hands with my grandfather, and then my father in turn, he promised they could leave me in his care with little worry. But I was worrying.

How could I join the school at the beginning of sixth year? Over the past five years the students in my year were bound to have cultivated their own friendships and have tight bonds with one another. Where did I fit into the equation? I kept the worries to myself and instead greeted the Headmaster when he finally addressed me.

The older man ushered me toward a stool, placing a hat upon my head and to my wonder – and slight confusion – the hat gave out a call of 'Ravenclaw'. I peeked at my father and grandfather, remembering that they too had been placed in Ravenclaw. Both men smiled and as grandfather spoke more to the Headmaster, father stepped forward and helped me off the stood. Then, when I was settled, he waved his wand at my robes and I was now decked in Ravenclaw house colours.

I'd wanted to prolong it, but eventually father and grandfather needed to make their move. Perhaps they saw the look on my face, the desperate wish not to be left alone because they offered to walk me to my new common room and Professor Dippet, having sent my things ahead to my dorm with a simple swish of his wand, obliged them. As we walked through the castle, I held my silence and did my best to try and remember which corridors we had taken. Father and grandfather filled the silence, giving me all sorts of tips about what I should and shouldn't say – although I wondered whether their advice would heed any help. Finally, we reached what I assumed was the entrance to the common room – Ravenclaw Tower father corrected.

Confronted with an eagle shaped bronze knocker, I frowned when it started to speak, presenting me with a riddle to solve.

"You have to answer it to enter," Father explained.

Frown deepening, I asked, "And if you get the wrong answer?"

"Then you wait for someone to come by and help you."

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