A Small Surprise (Fred Weasley)

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Hello my lovely readers ~

Here is the first of the four one shots I promised to publish this week. Hopefully if I have internet access whilst I'm away I might be able to post another one on Saturday (fingers crossed). Anyway, I hope you like this one. This one shot was requested by mangofluffypuppy who asked for 'a small surprise' for a reader who is Harry's older sister and Fred. Hopefully it was worth the wait!

What were you supposed to do when you received a single piece of news that sent your world spinning? When something so small could send you stumbling off the path you thought you were walking down? Godric, as I stared at the potion vial in my hands I felt my heart sink as the blue colour slowly intensified. There was no doubting it now.

Madam Pomfrey had handed me the potion vial, assuring me that it was a diagnostic potion that needed only a few drops of my blood to run. She went on to explain that the originally colourless potion would remain colourless if the test was negative. And would turn blue if it was positive. Originally I had protested because I couldn't be, there was no way that I was -

But as I stared down at the now blue potion I couldn't deny it anymore. Pregnant. Merlin's beard.

"From the looks of the colour, you're about 2 months along. You have nothing you worry about Miss Potter," Pomfrey assured me as she stood by the bed I was sat on. She reached out to put a hand on my shoulder in an action that was meant to be reassuring. "You are not the first student to experience an unplanned pregnancy within Hogwarts's walls and I very well doubt you shall be the last. We have a support system in place which will be able to help you through whatever decision you make and -"

"I need some time to think," I cut in quietly, my words making the older woman pause.

"Of course," she said understandingly, "my doors are always open when you need my assistance."

Muttering a quiet word of thanks, I hopped off the bed and walked quickly out of the hospital wing. I just needed to get out of the ward and clear my head for a bit. This was lifechanging news which I needed to think carefully on. Of course, I couldn't make this decision on my own, Fred would -

Merlin's beard, how was I going to tell Fred?

Sucking in a deep breath, I looked down at the potion vial that was still clasped in my hand and shoved it to the bottom of my bag. Turning into a corridor I decided to take the long way round to the common room to give myself some more time to think.

Godric, there was so many people to tell. Was I supposed to tell the teachers and the students or keep it all to myself? Harry would need to know. As would the Weasley. Sirius was going to kill Fred -

2 months along, that was what Pomfrey had said. If I was two months along -

Doing some quick mental calculations, I placed the ... conception to have occurred sometime during the Easter holiday. But we had been so careful every single time. Magical contraception, muggle contraception. Godric, why me!

I could just hear Angie's voice already as she'd exclaim in utter shock that trouble seemed to follow the Potter surname. And I couldn't exactly contradict that, now could I?

Pomfrey had gone out of her way to assure me that there were options but what option apart from keeping this little surprise was there? My steps slowed slightly as I peered down at my stomach as if expecting it to have swollen already. Of course it hadn't, but as I pressed my hand to it I knew that something had changed. Godric, this little person needed me.

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