Ravenclaw Characteristics (Roger Davies)

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Professor Binns had this knack for dragging out his lessons. Each lesson at Hogwarts was the standard 50 minutes long but his History of Magic lessons seemed to crawl by at the pace of a snail. Each tick of the second hand on the clock seemed to take an entire minute to tick by. It didn't help that his subject was one of the most boring ones that could have been picked.

I was sitting in the back of his classroom beside Daphne as she took notes on what he was saying. Really I should have been doing the same but I was too busy watching the clock hands tick as I counted down the seconds of the last minute of the lesson. It wasn't as if I needed to listen to him when he had been talking around the same subject for the last five minutes. Merlin, what had possessed me to take the subject in the first place?

The merciful tolling of the bell rang to signal the end of the lesson. I rose quickly from my chair to pack my things up. Once I was done, I glanced back at Daphne as she finished packing her things. Dropping into step beside me, we walked out of the classroom only to pause as a crowd of third years rushed passed us. We continued to walk in the direction of the common room only to find ourselves surrounded by a small group of Slytherin third years.

Malfoy and the twin idiots, I thought scrunching my nose. Daphne immediately engaged Malfoy in a conversation and I tried to do to make the best of my position between the two oafs. I let out a breath; this wouldn't do.

"I'm just going to head off," I said aloud. My words halted the conversation that Daphne had been having. She glanced over at me curiously.


"I'll meet you in the common room once I'm done," I promised, already pulling away from the group of them.

"At least tell me where you're going," She called out as I turned to head in the direction of the library.

"To the library, obviously," Malfoy answered before I could. "Where else would she go? It's like she'd have an aneurism if she doesn't go there. I'm beginning to think that you're just as bad as that mudblood Granger."

I rolled my eyes making sure that he saw it. I mean, honestly, what was the worst that he would do? Tell his daddy on me? The boy thought he held a lot of power within the Slytherin house. But I wasn't scared of him or of his daddy. My father worked alongside his and his father needed to keep mine happy. And as for mini Malfoy – well I knew all about his 'dirty' little secret.

"Aww Draco," I cooed, knowing fully well how much he hated it when it sounded as if someone was talking down to him. "I'm touch that you worry about me so much – really I am." I lowered my voice and took a step towards him so that only he would hear my next words. "You compared me to Granger, didn't you? Well I think I'm going to take that as a compliment considering how you feel about her that is?"

"What the hell are you blathering on about?" He demanded in a voice that seemed to give no hint of emotion except for annoyance. But I knew that I had rattled him. He was under the impression that no one knew about his secret.

"It's just that I'm starting to think that you might have a crush on Granger. I mean, you do mention her enough times in passing."

He chose not to speak another word. Instead he glared at me and brushed passed me making his minions chase after him. Daphne followed behind him, shooting me a curious look as she passed me by. She was curious about what I had said to set off mini Malfoy. I just shrugged my shoulders.

"Maybe it's his hormones," I said quietly to her, "Puberty is a weird time."

She gave a quiet laugh before turning to chase after the three younger boys. I turned to walk in the opposite direction and in the direction of the library. Almost instinctively my shoulders relaxed as soon as I'd entered the library. None of the other members of my house seemed to understand why I had become so enamoured with the place. But they didn't want to escape all of the blood lunacy.

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