12 ¦ Go big or Go Home

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Sunday passed quite normally. I spent some more time with Vic, then headed home to do my homework and went to bed at 10pm. 

Fortunately, my brothers hadn't asked me anything about the hickey either. Maybe they just hadn't seen it, which I doubted, because it was impossible to miss. 

Moday, 07:00 AM 

I was woken up by my incredibly loud and annoying alarm clock. After staying in bed for another 5 minutes, I finally got up because I didn't want to be late. 

While brushing my teeth, I stared at my reflection in the mirror, Ni-ki's hickey to be precise. I wondered when that would be gone. I asked myself. 

Victoria was wrong in her assumption, the hickey had not faded. It had only changed colour to dark purple. In short, it looked pretty intense.

No wonder people had stared at me when I came out of the wardrobe. Think less about it, cover up more! My inner self urged me. 

So I rinsed my mouth out and got my make-up out of the drawer. As usual, I didn't put on much makeup, just some concealer and mascara. After I was happy with my makeup, it was time for the hickey. 

I tried to cover it with the concealer, but after one layer it was still clearly visible. So I put another layer on and another...By now there was a big concealer spot, very different in colour from the rest of my neck. I looked at my reflection in the mirror in despair. 

What should I do now? Call Victoria! I had to call Vic. Quickly I ran to my room and grabbed my mobile phone, which was lying on the bed, to call her. 

"Hello?" Answered Vic after the first ring. "God Vic! You've got to help me! I tried to cover the hickey but it won't cover!!!" I rattled off in a panic.

"Relax Cami. I can't see you now but we can go to the girls' bathroom before school and I'll cover your hickey." She tried to speak calmly but I could hear her holding back a laugh because I was so panicked. "Okay, okay.....moment! But what if people see me with the hickey on the way to school?" 

I was starting to feel a little embarrassed that I was so panicked, but at that moment I just couldn't help it. For some reason, I definitely didn't want anyone to see me with that huge hickey. "Just put a scarf around your neck today." I exhaled in relief as Vic had once again managed to solve my problem. I could have theoretically come up with that idea myself, but when I panic, my brain shuts down. A/N: When we pull up, you know it's a shutdown-

"Fine, thank you. I'd better go and get ready." 

"No problem" She giggled. "I'll see you at school." With those words she hung up and I quickly went back into the bathroom to use makeup remover wipes to remove my concealer stain.

I had made it past my brothers, although they looked at me strangely because I never actually wear a scarf. And now I was in the schoolyard, had already spotted Victoria and was about to make my way to her when suddenly someone stood in front of me and blocked my way. 

When I looked up, I saw that it wasn't just anyone who was blocking my way, but the devil himself. 


Since he was standing right in front of me, the scent of his perfume hit my nose and I had to swallow. 

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