13 ¦ His "sweetheart"

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I would have continued to stand there stupidly in the empty classroom if the pre-bell hadn't freed me from my rigidity. In five minutes the bell would ring for class. Maybe I could talk to Victoria before class started. 

I literally rushed out of the classroom and saw students already on their way to class. Speaking of classes, what kind of classes do I have? English! Damn, I have to go to the other end of the school building. 

After what felt like an eternity, I finally arrived at the room where I was about to have English and hurried to Victoria. But when I got to her, she didn't let me finish but bombarded me with questions. 

"What did Ni-ki want from you? Did he ask you about the hickey? Speaking of the hickey, weren't you going to wear a scarf today to cover it up? You know what everyone's gonna think when they see a giant hickey like that on your neck? They're already staring at you." 

I couldn't help but press my hand over her mouth to make her finally shut up. "Vic, listen to me. I need your help. We don't have any-" Of course, I was interrupted by the ringing, whereupon the teacher ordered everyone to their seats.

Shit! I shot Vic a mean glare, sat down next to her and quickly unpacked my things. So much for covering the hickey before class started. Nervously, I tried to cover the hickey with my hair. Hopefully no one would discover it. What would I do now if I had short hair? 

The lesson dragged on forever and I could hardly wait until the bell finally rang to drag Victoria to the bathroom to finally cover this thing. But then I was finally relieved of the ringing. I had never packed my things so quickly before jumping up.

"Vic hurry up!" I urged her when she took too much time packing. I usually don't have a problem with her taking her time, but now was not the time. 

"My God I'm doing it Cami, we now have the whole break to pack your-" I quickly covered her mouth and gave her a nasty look. "Don't say that out loud." I whispered, glancing left and right briefly to see if anyone had heard us, but luckily everyone was busy with themselves or had already left the room. She giggled and just shook her head. 

"Mrs Park, could you come to me for a moment please?" I turned to face my teacher. Great..this was just what I needed. I sighed internally, yet I walked to the front of the room to see her. Most of the students had already left.

"I saw something on your neck." I swallowed and looked down, my hair falling over my shoulder and covering the hickey a little. I guess that didn't help anything now. 

"What do you mean?" Maybe it helps if I play dumb...

About this situation, I have to say that my English teacher was very strict about the issue of short clothing, hickeys, etc. And I wasn't exactly a rebellious student. I never actually caused any problems or had any conflicts with teachers. 

"That's an unmissable hickey. I don't want to see anything like that again, please. Your classmates don't have that on their necks." Yes, they do, but they cover it up and they're not as stupid as me. But instead of saying that out loud, I just nodded.

Justifying myself to her now wouldn't help me either and might make things worse.

"Good, then you can go now." With these words she dismissed me again and I quickly went to Victoria. She rolled her eyes when I reached her. 

"That woman is so stuffy!" She said to me and I had to agree with her. When we finally reached the girls' toilet, I was relieved and also a little surprised that the toilet was empty. Usually there is always a long queue of girls. But that just meant we had to hurry extra. 

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