Chapter 56

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Yumi's POV

*Clack Clack* Yona, Lili, and I are currently in a carriage with Yona and Lili still past out. I was currently playing with Ao who came with us. Then I saw Lili slowly starting to wake up along with Yona. "Ah, you guys are awake." I whispered. "Yumi... Yona..." Lili said. "Nee-san! Lili!" Yona called when she became fully wake. "What is going on... What happened to us...?" Lili asked in confusion. "I don't know, it seems we're inside a carriage." Yona replied. "Well then, I will clear you guys of your confusion. We got kidnapped. The place they are taking us to is not going to be very nice, so I suggest you guys to prepare yourselves." I said seriously. "Huh?" They said. Before they could ask any questions, the carriage came to a stop and someone shouted "Get down!" We got down and saw soldiers with whips and innocent people working like slaves. "What is going on here..." Lili questioned as she looked around the place. "Sei? You say this is Sei? What is going on? We got hurt in the festival at Tousui. The clinic was already full so we came to the neighboring town..." I looked at the diection where the man's voice came from. Then more people started to complain questioning them why have they been brought here, that they never heard of this, and complaints of wanting to go back. The soldier that the people were surrounding with questions got his whip and whipped it at one of the man. "Stand down! Those who resist will be killed!" The soldier threaten. He then began to speak once again, "You were all brought here to Sei as slaves! A slave's job is simple, it is to build a fort here!" He explained. "What is this fort for?" Yona asked. "Quiet! You aren't allowed to ask questions. You all need to keep your heads down and work, no need to think about anything else! As long as you finished what you were told to do, we'll then let you go back!" The soldier said. "More like kill all of us to keep our mouths shut..." I whispered while rolling my eyes. "Tsubaru! You were also brought here too? Are you alright?" I heard Lili as she ran towards that old hag. "Lili! I suggest you to say away from that disgusting person!" I yelled with disgust in my voice. "Yumi?" Lili questioned as she looked at me. "Tsubaru... Who are you exactly? Why have you brought us to Sei?" Yona questioned.

"Tsubaru..." Lili called. "I'm not anyone important, Miss." Tsubaru replied. "What's going on Tsubaru?" Lili questioned. 'Whyyy, why do have to be so clueless Lili...' I thought with a sigh. "Please forgive my late self introduction, Lady Lili. I am a merchant from Sei." The old hag introduced. "Merchant..." Lili said. "I'm the one who you're looking for..." Tusbaru answered. "A Nadai merchant!?" Lili said in shock. "Because you've been banning Nadai lately, business has been tough. You're annoying, you know." Tsubaru said. "Then when you said your son was missing..." Lili said. "If I didn't say that, would you have believed me? And then when the festival was going on, I planned several incidents. During the chaos, we gathered people here. Thanks to you, this time the result was great. The plan went very smoothly." Tsubaru explained. Lili grabbed Tsubaru's collar in anger "Tsubaru!" "You there! Behave yourself!" The soldier yelled and prepared his whip to hit Lili. "Lili!" Yona yelled as she went to shield Lili. Before the whip could hit Yona, I went and grabbed it and held it real tight as he pulled on the whip trying to let go. "You lowlife! What are you doing! Let go this instant!" The soldier yelled as he continued pulling on the whip. "Oh, if you say so." I said coldly. I let go of the whip and the soldier flew to the ground. "You!" He yelled with anger. "What? You told me to let go. So, I obeyed. Blame yourself for being the idiot." I said with an attitude. He got up and was about to swing the whip again until Tsubaru stopped him. "It was really hard to bring them without a scratch, so stop it." Tusbaru warned. "O...ok." The soldier said and looked at me while I just smirked. I turned around, "Are you guys okay?" I asked while looking at them. They nodded and we were then told to put all on belonging down. I place my katana and kunai pouch down, but not before secretly sneaking a kunai in my sleeves. I then heard sniffles and looked and saw Lili crying. "Lili..." Yona called in worry. "Yumi... Yona... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have involved you in this! I never would've thought Tsubaru would actually..." Lili cried. Yona caressed her face, "Lili, Don't cry! We're fine! This might actually be a good choice! Don't you remember what was our goal?" Yona asked. "To destroy the Nadai trade route from Sei..." Lili answered. "That's right. I think this is an important place, let's have some patience and find out what their plan is." Yona suggested. "Yona is right Lili. This is a good opportunity to uncover some things so we can stop this stupid mess." I said with a smile. "You guys really are strong." Lili said smiling. "That's because you are here, Lili." Yona said also smiling.

Asa no Yumi (Akatsuki no Yona)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن