Chapter 15

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Yumi's POV

We finally arrived at the village. "Wow it's awfully foggy here." I stated. We then started to walk inside, then people with creepy masks started to come out from somewhere. Hak and Kija got in a defence position while Yoon and Yona stood together kinda looking scared, and me... I was just standing next to Yona looking so chill because I know what's happening next. Suddenly... a not really old man came out with two people by his side. He then said "Who are you?" Kija steps forward, " Bring out the Blue Dragon!" 'Wow he is so blunt.' "That's too direct." Yoon said with a straight face. "Blue Dragon? There is no one here by that name." The man states. 'Yeah, keeping hiding that poor fellow in the dark cave. We are going to find him anyways.' I thought. Kija then was talking about Yona and I. But they thought of nothing. *Sigh* 'This is getting nowhere.' Who knows after how long of a talk we had, the man brought us to a place to rest for a while. But I know they got bad intentions but I hardly care since they can't do anything. Then they came up with a plan of wondering around looking for the Blue Dragon while I was in my thoughts. I look at them with a dead planned. "Are you guys serious." I asked. "Yep!" They are replied so enthusiastically. 'Yay we are going to meet the Blue Dragon soon.'

(Time skip)

After many searches we reached another dead end. While the other are fussing over this stupid thing, I looked at the wall with a secret passage. 'Should I stay behind and stay with Yona so I can meet the Blue Dragon? Hmmmm...' I came out of my thought and saw people leaving and then Yona and I heard a animal cry. 'Yay! It's Ao!' Yona press her head against the wall then accidentally pushed the button to opening that. "A hallway?" Yona questioned. Then a squirrel popped out. Yona then grabs my hand and chased after the squirrel. 'It's decided, I going to meet him. Yay.' The stone door then shuts. We found Ao demonstrating cute moves. Yona then picks up the squirrel and yelling how cute it was then turn around to call Hak. She then realized how he was not there and most amazingly, the candles went out. She started shouting everyones name, I grabbed on to her and said "It's okay Yona, I'm here." She then hugs me and a dude that will sooner or later murder us came up to us. "Are you lost? Did you get separated from your comrades?" "No sh*t sherlocks we did." I stated. "Umm, do you live here?" Yona asks. "Yes I do. Now one of you give me your hand and I will get you back to your comrades." I let him take my hand and he lead us to a place deeper down ready to kill us. He and Yona started talking while I just stood quiet. Yona then finds out the truth, so I pulled my hand from him but he then grabs my hand again pulling me down. I let go of Yona's hand and she started screaming. "Nee-san! Nee-san!" I tried my best not to flip him over. Next a sound was heard. The jingles of bells. 'Phew, he is finally here. The Blue Dragon grabs my arm and pulled me away from him. The man dropped the candle, screamed, then ran away. He looks at me and grabs my hand walking up to hold Yona's hand with his other hand and started to take us back to our friends. 'Wow, the famous Blue Dragon is holding my HAND!' Note the sarcasm. I then hear in the distance Hak's voice. Oh, looks like we are almost there. We walked out of the dark cave with me following behind Yona. Then you know what happened? Yoon started yelling at us. 'Best day ever. Hahaha...' People started coming up and said how glad they are that we are safe. "Well that is thanks to this amazing dude in the mask over there helping us." I said while looking back at him. Kija then stares at him. "You..." The Blue Dragon then runs away. "Wait!" Kija yelled running to the front of the cave of darkness. We then walked there. "What's wrong?" Yoon asked. "It's him, the Blue Dragon." "No sh*t he is the Blue Dragon!" "What! You knew he was the Blue Dragon?" Hak shout and asks. "Yeah..." "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US EARLIER!" Yoon shouts. "Uhh, I thought Kija will know so I didn't mention it..." "What! You are now blaming this on me? Hidoiyo hime." Kija said anime crying. 'Lol. I think this is the end of episode 12 with us meeting him. Wait... oh there is still a flashback of his past. 'Ugh whatever. Back to the resting area! Yay!'

(Time Skip)

Ahhhhhhhhh!!! This is such a lonesome walk!!!!!! If you are wondering why I am alone right now... well that is because I told the group I wanna to go for a walk to chill my mind. But in reality I wanted to hang out with the Blue Dragon for a bit you know. Now I am getting closer to the mysterious hallway, I continued walking until I get there.
Yay finally here at last!!! I press the hidden button and walked through the passage way. I then use my amazing ears to hear what was happening. I hear Blue Dragon pulling out his sword, 'Ummm... looks like I'm dead...' I readied my katana and walked to the place where Blue Dragon is at. Suddenly I saw a figure charge at me, don't get me wrong I know this is the Blue Dragon but it's too dark in here. I fully unsheathed my katana and block the hit from him. "Maa maa, Seiryuu chill down a bit. Name is Yumi." I said out of nowhere.

(A/N: Sorry for the long wait. Here is the newest chapter.) 'Tessypoo30189 ' Randomness of putting my friend's username here. LOL 😆

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