Chapter 28

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Yumi's POV

I ran to where Yona was and saw that she was being carried by a bandit. 'Where is Shin-Ah? Isn't he suppose to be here already.' I thought. I decided to pull out my katana from its sheath. "Hey you! Let go of my sister!" I yelled pointing my katana towards him. "Oh what do we have here? Another girl." Said the guy who was carrying Yona over his shoulder. "Did you not hear me. Let go of her or I'll kill you." I said with a death glare. "Oh, like you can fight." He said mockingly. He then order one of his man to take care of me. "Saa, be a good girl and put the sword down if you don't want to get hurt." The man who was order to take care of me said. The instant he got close to me, I quickly stabbed my sword in his stomach. "Ahhhh!" He screamed falling to the floor. "Tch, you actually know how to fight. You get her." He ordered. 'Who was he talking too.' I then heard quiet footsteps behind me. "Nee-san behind you!" I heard Yona shouted. I heard a swing of a sword and quickly rotated my body to dodge his sword which was successful but he got my hair because of me rotating my body so fast that it caused my hair to fly. I swiftly swung my katana slicing his stomach. "Tch. You dare to move... I'll kill your sister." He said threatenly. "You dare to use her as a hostage. How pathetic." I said angrily. "Why wouldn't I? Now put your weapon down and don't move." He demanded. 'Ugh. Why does it have to turn out like that.' I thought putting my weapon down letting down my guard by accident. "Nee-san!" I heard Yona scream and following that I felt something stabbed me in the back. I let out a painful groan while falling to the ground. "Heh, got you there missy." He said while looking at me with a smile. "Bring her over here. We can play with her." He commanded one of the man. One guy picked me up and threw me next to the guy who seems to be the leader. 'Shin-Ah where are you.' I thought while slowly losing my consciousness.

(A Little Time Skip)

A keep hearing screams that somehow woke me up. 'Ite. My wound is deeper than I thought.' I thought while looking around. I saw the bandits on the floor unconscious. 'Looks like Shin-Ah used his power.' I looked in front of me and saw Yona in front of Shin-Ah looking into his eyes telling him to stop. I got up slowly since my wound hurts and saw Shin-Ah fell on the floor. I then ran to him not caring about my injury. "Shin-Ah!" Yona and I shouted at the same time. "Nee-san, you shouldn't be moving! You got injured!" She shouted at me as we both reached Shin-Ah. "I'm fine, let's worry about Shin-Ah for now." I told Yona. "Shin-Ah stay with us! Wait just a second, I'll get the bandages." Yona told him. "Yumi... Yona... Get away from me... I don't know what I'll do. While... my body is paralyzed... Hurry! If you... look at my eyes, you guys will become paralyzed... Your arms, legs, heart... But... if I use it... my paralzying abilities backfire... This is a cursed backfiring. Don't come near me. I'm a weak and ugly monster. I'm..." Shin-Ah said but got cut off due to me. I put my hands over his eyes and started using my healing power just to heal his eyes a bit even though it might not be that effect because I'm in a weak state. 'I hate the fact that I can't use my power to heal myself.' I thought. "Shin-Ah... don't say that. It's not true at all, don't be upset." I said. Yona then knelt down next to me. "The fact that you are upset you can't control your own powers is because you are human, Shin-Ah. Everyone is like that." Yona said. "Yep, that's why what you have to do is not close your eyes and repress everything, but open your eyes and take control of your power, Shin-Ah." I said while smiling and removing my hands from his eyes. "Nee-san is right. I think someone who can do that is a strong person. I like people who can do that. Let's get stronger together. Right, Shin-ah? Nee-san, you will help right?" Yona said looking towards the sky. I nodded agreeing to help. "Together...?" Shin-ah asked. "Mhmm!" Yona replied. "From now on...?" Shin-Ah continued further. "Of course!" Yona replied once again. "I can stay...?" Shin-Ah asked. "Of Shin-Ah. You can stay forever." I said holding his hand. "Yona! Yumi!" I heard someone call before I felt myself fell backwards and losing consciousness again because of the blood loss.

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