Chapter 16

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Yumi's POV

After a few moments of discussion mainly me talking, we somehow settled down sitting down leaning on the stone cave wall. We were just sitting there, yep sitting doing nothing... I decided to break the silence. "Ne... Seiryuu, don't you ever get bored? I mean like there is nothing to do here." '1, 2, 3, 4, 5...' "No... I have... Ao." He said finally deciding to answer. "Ao?" I questioned pretending not to know. Then a squirrel came out from somewhere heading towards me. He stopped in front of me so I picked him up and he jumped on my shoulder playing with my earring. I sweat dropped from what was happening. "So Ao is this squirrel?" I asked. "Yeah..." he said quietly. 'I don't think we can have a that of a decent talk 😓. "I... I..." 'Umm "I" what?' I thought. "I think you should leave..." 'Awww, he didn't just say leave like he said to Yona and Yoon.' "Hmmm. Why should I?" I asked on purpose. "Because... I'm cursed with this power of destruction... If people look at me in the eyes... they will turn into stone...." 'Oooo yay we talking serious. lol.' *Sigh* "Ne Seiryuu listen. You are not cursed, your power is not destruction. Your power is to protect the ones you love, so it's very useful in any case. So don't go thinking that stuff okay? Also, you don't have to worry about putting your mask on when you are around me, it won't effect me." I said. He turned to me and his face showed shock. 'I didn't say anything wrong did I?' I questioned myself. "I... don't know why but... you seem like a person that I could... talk to easily..." 'OMG!!! Did he just say that to me!? Meh whatever.' "Hmmm. Don't worry, I will be here if you need to talk to someone. We are comrades." I said and closed eye smile at him. "... Thank... y-. Ao, hide. Yumi stay still... Someone is coming." 'Was he about to say thank you??? Dang it! Why does Yona and Yoon have to come now!!!' They came and Blue Dragon pulled out his sword and yelled. Yoon started screaming nonsense and noticed me. "YUMI-HIME??!! WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING HERE???" He yelled. "Oh... Yoon... Long time no seen." I said holding up my hand. "DON'T ACT LIKE THAT!!" Yoon yelled again. 'Jeez what did I do wrong?' "Chill, you don't have to yell. Hi Yona." I said casually. She said hi to me and started talking to Seiryuu about joining us. I slowly fell asleep because I didn't want to deal with the earthquake and all the nonsense that is going to happen.

(Time skip)

I woke up noticing that I was on Seiryuu's back because of the fluffy stuff that comes with his mask and that sword of his which is 'totally not hurting me!' I saw him and Yona hand shaking meaning he agreed yay! I saw a tear that slid down his face. 'Aww! He finally got comrades.' I then thought I should actually wake up, so I pretended I just woke up. "Hmmmm. Huh... Seiryuu?" I questioned like if I know nothing. "Ah Yumi-Hime, your finally awake." Hak said. Seiryuu put me down and I decided to stretch. "Well since you are awake let's go." Hak said. "Sure!" I replied happily. Yona waved and said stuff to the villagers while Seiryuu bowed. I waited for him for certain reasons. He walked to me and look at the bells that fell. "Hey, can you go ahead." I asked. He nodded his head and went off. I went back to where he drop the bells. I kneeled down and picked it up. I looked up to the sky 'Ao don't worry anymore. I will take care of him from now on. Abi please look after me and your descendant.' I tucked the bells in one of pockets and ran to catch up with the group. While walking I noticed Kija acting weird, oh he has a fever. Yoon stopped and ask where the next dragon is. He started speaking then collapsed. 'Round of applause' I thought.

While Yona and the rest are in the forest with the 'dead' body, I walked to where I heard the waterfall. I sat at there enjoying the peace and then notice Seiryuu take the fluffy thing and sword off him throwing it on the ground. I notice the rest coming. Seiryuu then jumped into the water and Kija thought it was suicide and Hak was keep saying negative things to Kija making him blame himself. '*Sigh* this is going to be a long day.'
After the whole mess we were then eating. He was eating really fast because of the food Yoon and I made. "Hey, if you want more, ask me okay?" Yona offered Seiryuu some stuff, then it turns to a mess because of Seiryuu calling Yona and I by our names. LOL it's just a name, and he is just trying to say thank you, jeez people these days.

(Time skip)

I was peacefully sitting on a tree watching the stars and moon and also a person picking up herbs, you probably know who it is already. I saw Yona and Hak walk up to Seiryuu. 'Ooooo Yona is finally giving him a name!' I hear the whole conversation due to my hearing. I saw Shin-Ah nod and he ran off. 'Good ending, good ending.' I thought. Now I can stop this Seiryuu calling and call him Shin-Ah. Everyone then left leaving me here alone looking up at the starry sky. After a few minutes of that I walked back to where we set up camp. I saw Shin-Ah still awake petting the sleeping squirrel and his mask was on his forehead making me see his eyes. "Yo Seiryuu." Pretending not to know his name. "Yumi... I finally got a name. She said my name will be Shin-Ah" He said with a small smile. "Isn't that great, Shin-Ah." I said smiling. "Yumi... Thank you for talking to me... when we were in the cave... your talk led me to this opportunity... I'm not gonna be alone... anymore... You're my light..." He said and tears rolled down his cheeks. I went up and hug him. "Your very welcome Shin-Ah." I whispered with a small smile. "Now go to sleep, it's late and you need to rest. I went and grab my blanket and put it over him since I will be sleeping on the tree, since I'm use to it. When I put it over him and think I heard his thoughts somewhat on the lines of 'I finally have someone I can trust... I'm glad to meet her and the group...' 'If that is really what he is thinking, I'm glad. I can't believe he called me his light!' I then climbed up to one of the trees and slowly close my eyes letting the darkness fully consume me.

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