Chapter 64

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Yumi's POV

"Mister Zeno, are the clothes comfortable enough for you?" Tao asked. We are currently shopping for clothes since Zeno's clothes got burned. "Yes, Xing Kingdom clothes feel goooood." Zeno said happily. "That's good to hear." Tao said with happiness. "He'll just ruin them immediately, you should have just given him a straw skirt." Yoon said. "I could never...!" Tao said. "Then maybe you should try..." I said as things between us was still awkward since I haven't made an attempt to fix my acting that I decided to do as a joke but will after this arc ends... The group act as if nothing happened so that there will be no awkwardness but I can still sensed that they are worried. She laughed then spoke up, "I am truly sorry for getting you all caught up in this. And I would love to send everyone back to Kouka Kingdom as soon as possible; however... there are many people outside during the day, so let us depart once it is dark." Jae-Ha then spoke up, "But if we just leave like this, we'd have a lot of regrets on you mind's you know?" "No, please, forget about all of this. By the way, where are miss Yona and the others?" Tao asked looking around. "Yona and Hak have gone to look around town." Jae-Ha answered. "Just the two of them? They will be in danger if people find out that they are from Kouka Kingdom! I will go as well." Tao said. "Princess Tao. You are the one in danger. We don't know when, where, or who might target you..." Vold warned her. "No matter how brazen they are, they wouldn't attempt an assassination in front of do many people." Tao refuted. "There are also many citizens out there who agree with my ideas. I cannot stay put and hide forever." Tao stated. "Even so, please be patient." Vold said. "It's alright Tao. Yona has Hak with her and I'll pick her up later." Jae-Ha said. "What in the world is on your head...?" I questioned as I looked at Jae-Ha. "I honestly want to know too... What in the world are you all doing?" Jae-Ha asked looking at Zeno and Algira. "We're bored." Zeno replied with a smile. "Children will be children..." I said as I took off the things on Jae-Ha's head and set it off somewhere. "Aw~ Aren't you kind to me Yumi-chan!" Jae-Ha flirted. "Shush before you disappear 6 feet underground..." I jokingly threatened. "So mean~ But that's what I like about you~" Jae-Ha said. "Eww... Stop... Before I put myself 6 feet under..." I said.

Yona and Hak came back bringing new of Kouren. "My sister Kouren is in this town?!" Tao asked in shock. "Yes. She said that she was going to bring war supplies into this town." Yona informed. "Soldiers indeed appear to be mobilizing here." Vold said looking outside. "I guess we can't move around carelessly..." Algira said. "We have to stop her! Or it will be too late!" Tao exclaimed. "Princess Tao! Actually...!" Yona said only to stop. "Don't rush. Keep calm. That's not a discussion we can bring up so lightly. Let's wait for a more opportune time." Hak said. "Yes, like Hak said. If worst comes to worst, I'm still here to solve it." I said smiling at Yona. "Princess Tao... She was... To me it seemed that Princess Kouren holds in her heart nothing but affection and love for her people." Yona told her. "So it makes me wonder, why would she choose the path of war and sacrifice those citizens?" Yona asked. Tao then told us the story of what Yu-Hon had done in the past and how she fears that the same would happen again under Soo-Won's reign.

"Looks like it's gotten pretty dark out." Jae-Ha said. "I'm hungry!" Zeno exclaimed. "We'll go check out the status of things outside as we procure food ingredients." Jae-Ha said putting on his hood. "Seiryuu, you come too!" Zeno said. "Me too!" Algira said. "Idiotgira, you stay put!" Vold warned. "Please take care!" Tao said worried. "Please actually be careful..." I said knowing what was to come. "Will do!" They said and left. We waited for a while for them but they still haven't came back. "Kija and the others are taking a while." Yoon said. "You're right." Yona said. "I'll bring them back." Yoon said heading of. "Be careful." Yona told him. "Okay." Yoon replied and ran out. "... I wonder if Yoon managed to meet up with Jae-Ha and the others." Yona said after we waited a while. "They are taking a while..." Hak stated. Someone suddenly ran in, "Princess Tao! Right now, in the town, Master Mizari and Master Yotaka are fighting with the Four Dragons...!" He yelled. "Jae-Ha and the other...?!" Yona questioned. "The Four Dragons have taken serious injuries....!!" He informed. "Shin-Ah-nyan and the other have?!" Algira said in shock. "What?! That they would lose..." Vold said also in shock. "Well that is... no matter how much they are attacked, they refuse to counter for some reason..." The soldier said. "If they fight in front of the populace, they'll end up starting a war... That's probably what Droop-Eyes realized." Hak said. "What about Yoon? Was Yoon there?!" Yona sked worried. "Yes, he tried to stop the fight..." He answered. "Oh no, is he hurt?!" She asked. "No, Master Yotaka decided to end the fight there. Everyone there was taken away to the mansion where her highness, Princess Kouren is currently staying." He informed. "Damn it! I'll go save them." Algira said. "Algira! Wait. I will go." Tao said. "Princess Tao!" Vold called. "I will go and ask Kouren to spare them." Tao said. "Please wait! I will call for reinforcements from the anti-war forces at Kyuu castle." Vold said. "There's no time! I have no idea what sister will do to those they call the Monsters of Kouka Kingdom. This is all my fault... Miss Yona and Miss Yumi. Even should it cost me my life, I will return the Four Dragons to Kouka Kingdom. You three must escape from Xing Kingdom without a moment's delay." Tao said and bowed. "Princess Tao. Before that, I have a request." Yona said.

We went to the mansion where Kouren is currently located with us a bit far behind Tao, Algira, and Vold. Tao was trying to talk with Kouren but she isn't backing down. "Princess Kouren." Yona called and walked forward. "You... The one with the bow..." Kouren said recognizing Yona. "I came here from Kouka Kingdom. My companions who you have captured did not perform even a single act of violence back in the town, and they really don't have any connection to Soo-Won. But I am one who does gave such a connection." Yona said taking off her hood. 'Here we go... I might have to say my identity too seeing how this goes...' I thought. "Who are you?" Kouren asked. "I am the previous King II's child, Yona." Yona answered. Her answer shocked everyone. "Miss Yona... you..." Tao said extremely shocked. "I'm sorry for not telling you, Princess Tao." Yona apologized. "Then you really have come here by Soo-Won's command?" Kouren asked. "Father-II was murdered by Soo-Won, and I, along with my elder sister and my follower Hak, were chased out of the castle. The ones who saved us on harsh unforgiving days are those companions you hold here. I will make one thing clear; I absolutely do not act upon Soo-Won's will. Please, give me back Yoon and the Four Dragons. They are above all else, my precious family." Yona told her. "I have one question, do you hate Soo-Won?" Kouren asked Yona. "If I told you I hate him, what would you do?" Yona questioned back. "I shall allow you to come with me. I will release your companions. Join us and take your revenge upon the Soo-Won that you hate, as well as those in Kouka Kingdom who support him." Kouren said. "I refuse." Yona said. "Why? Are you afraid of him? The elder sister, what about you?" Kouren said looking at me who was standing next to Hak. "Saa... I don't know if hate is a word I would use... but I also don't know if revenge should be the answer one should seek... but... I have other priorities right now." I answered and seems like she didn't like my answer. "... Oi, follower. What about you? Don't you want to take revenge on the King?" Kouren asked Hak. "Right now, nothing is more important to me than saving those guys. Nothing at all." Hak replied seriously. "I cannot aid you in your war. Because my people and your people should never have to fall back into despair." Yona said. 'How much you have grown...' I thought with a smile looking at Yona. "...Then what would you suggest? Soo-Won will undoubtedly attack this Kingdom. Are you, like Tao, telling me to raise the white flag? You expect is to do so, after our experiences with defeat 17 years ago, where Yu-Hon treated our people like slave?!" Kouren said with anger. "Please, give me some time. I will meet with Soo-Won and negotiate with him and see if this war can be avoided." Yona said. "This man killed your father and stole your castle. Having nothing, do you think you can really speak to him as his equal?" Kouren questioned as she walk in front of Yona. I walked forward and stood next to Yona. I pulled off my hood, "Even if she can't, I still possibly could." I said looking ay Kouren. Kouren looked at me, "What do you mean by that?" Kouren asked. "As you already know, I am the first princess of Kouka but that is the past. But I still have a certain title... the secret strategist of Kouka." I said. Gasps could be heard as I said that. "You are... that strategist...?" Kouren asked surprised. "Yes, I even have proof." I said while pulling out my jade pendant. "That title has not been removed even though I've been kicked out. It just shows how important this identity has accomplished. So, I could possibly speak to him." I said. "All right. Until you guys return, I will continue preparing for battle, but will hold off on starting war. In the meantime, your companions are hostages. If you guys betray us, or Soo-Won attack is first for any reason, the hostages will be killed. The undying man will be tortured." Kouren warned as she walked off. 'How she can just say that so easily...' I thought darkly when she mentioned torturing Zeno if things didn't go as planned. "Princess... Yona... Princess... Yumi..." Tao called. "Princess Tao, we'll be back soon." Yona said. "I promise to protect the Four Dragons and mister Yoon...!" Tao said, tears streaming down her face as she holds Yona's hand. "Thank you." Yona said with gratitude. I patted Tao's head. "Don't worry too much... Everything will turn out fine..." I said to which she nodded at. She then went and hugged Algira and Vold telling them to accompany us. After that, we headed off.

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