Chapter 63

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Yumi's POV

Night fell and I early was stargazing with Zeno until he disappeared... anyways I decided to walk around until I heard a some noise. "Ara... Why not come out. Don't think I didn't hear you sneaking around." I said. Soon 5 people came out from the shadows. "Die, Princess Tao!!!" They yelled while all charging at me. I pulled out my katana and ended them in less than 10 seconds. "Foolish... You should know what your target looks like if you are going to assassinate them." I said even though I know they can't hear me anymore. I then hear the noise of fire. "Oh no... Zeno..." I whispered and quickly ran over to where the fire is. When I arrived I saw Yoon standing there. "Yoon!" I called. "Yumi! It's bad! Zeno ran into the fire!" Yoon shouted. Everyone else arrived as we stared at the building building. We then saw silhouettes coming out. "Ah! They made it out!" Yona said. She ran towards Tao. "Princess Tao! Thank goodness." Yona said in relief. "Hey, have you seen Zeno?!" Yoon asked. "I'm so sorry! Mister Zeno held up a pillar so that we could flee... He's still inside..." Tao said with guilt. "Sorry... I couldn't save him." Algira apologized. "Since this is Zeno we're talking about, he'll be fine. He'll escape on his own." Jae-Ha said. "He was supporting the pillar with his whole body covered in flames... If he moves, the mansion will collapse and even if it doesn't... he must already be..." Algira said while gritting his teeth. "Then... until the fire goes out, Zeno... will continue to be burned inside of there...?!" Yoon said in horror. After hearing that, Kija and Shin-Ah proceed to run towards the fire. "Kija! Shin-Ah! Don't!!" Jae-Ha yelled and blocked their way with Hak. "Move, Hak! Jae-Ha! Zeno is..." Kija said in panic. "I know! I'll go, so you two just..." Jae-Ha said, "Stop, you'll die!!" Algira yelled. "But Zeno is! Hiryuu castle is far away, so his self regeneration must be slow! If he can't even faint, how much pain must he..?!" Kija yelled. Yoon started to cry at the situation. "...Regeneration?" Tao questioned. "There's no need to worry... If I could die this easily... Then I wouldn't be having such a hard time trying..." That voice... it's Zeno. I quickly ran forward and saw Zeno coming out. "Zeno!!" Everyone shouted. Zeno started to collapse, I quickly slid and caught got him. Zeno grabbed on to me in pain, "Ugh... Ahh..." I quickly held on to him and started to use my healing powers to lessen the pain and hoping to fasten his regeneration process just by a little. "It's okay now... Zeno... relax... I got you..." I whispered softly. The burned figure slowly started to turn back to Zeno. "Hah... hah..." Zeno slowly breathed. I quickly took off my cloak and covered him. "Why are you always like this... Zeno." I whispered while hugging him. Yona, Hak, and Yoon came closer to examine Zeno to see if he was alright.


"Puha~! I feel so alive~!" Zeno said while drinking some soup. We currently ended up at a cave since the mansion burned down. But after Zeno said that, the atmosphere got gloomy. "Hm? Everyone's so gloomy! But look! Even after being cooked to a golden brown, my skin's all smooth now!" Zeno said trying to lighten up the mood. Yoon started to cry, "Boy, I'm alright. I won't die even when I'm killed." Zeno said comforting Yoon. "That's not the problem here!" Yoon exclaimed. "Zeno-nyan!!" Algira called while rushing in front of him. "Zeno-nyan?" Zeno questioned. "Zeno-nyan, your body is healed! So being one of the four dragons means that you have the power of a dragon? Anyway, thank goodness you're alive. I can thank you now!" Algira said while holding Zeno's hands. He then let go and got to a kowtow position. "For saving our lives, thank you so much!!" Algira said. "If Zeno's body is useful, you can use it all you like." Zeno said. "You want to try saying that again?" I asked giving off an 'innocent' smile which got Zeno a bit scared. "Don't say things like that so casually!" Kija yelled. "Hakuyuu, your claw is poking at me!" Zeno said. "Honestly!" Jae-Ha exclaimed. "You are so stupid!" Yoon said hitting Zeno's head. "...Ah man..." Algira suddenly got said and laid on the ground. "What's wrong?" Yona asked him, "... I couldn't save the kittens from the fire. Those poor things..." Algira said all depressed. Suddenly kittens suddenly showed up around Algira and he sprung up. "Kittens!?" Algira yelled shocked. "I brough them out." Vold said. "Eh...... eh!? Vold-nya-" Algira said will tears streaming down his face. "If you even dare to stick "nyan" onto my name, I will stab you." Vold warned pulling out a nice. "Everyone. I involved you all in something so dangerous. I can't even apologize enough..." Tao said. "Princess Tao, are you unharmed?" Yona asked. "Yes... However, Xing Kingdom is in danger. I must quickly return you all to Kouka Kingdom without delay. My sister Kouren, I will stake my life to stop her. Please forget about the matter of Xing Kingdom." Tao said.

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