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Jiang Bozhou felt hot all over, but was extremely annoyed. It would be great if he were one of those annoying nobles, so that he could provide the best accommodation and the most delicious food to the dear gods - unfortunately he is not.

  Jiang Bozhou's eyes darkened and he put the mask back on his face.

  "Is Zhouzhou shy?" It might be due to his physical condition. Even in the dim night, Xie Heng could see the pink color on Jiang Bozhou's cheeks, which was as moving and beautiful as the first blooming cherry blossoms.

  Jiang Bozhou's body stiffened, and then he seemed to have made up his mind. He gritted his teeth and broke away from Xie Heng's arms. Just as he had originally planned, he silently jumped out of the window, evading the patrolling guards and city guards. The soldiers, wrapped in black air, ran to the outskirts of Gordon City.

  He stood under a tree, calming his pounding heart. The leaves rustle in the wind, just like the mixed emotions of the boat on the river.

 Jiang Bozhou breathed a sigh of relief and set a short-term goal. He needed to make some money. This money would at least allow His Majesty the God to stay by his side with peace of mind for a while.

  He reluctantly looked back at the brightly lit city night scene that was rare due to tomorrow's Harvest Festival, and prepared to go to a destination that was contrary to his original plan.

  "My dear, where are you going?" God's voice suddenly sounded in his ears. Jiang Bozhou's heart jumped suddenly as he had not yet regained his composure. He turned around mechanically and saw the face that was destined to haunt him. .

  Xie Heng was very unhappy being thrown into the temple by his dear ones. This has never happened before!

  His Zhouzhou actually left him where he was and ran away by himself without saying anything! Xie Heng refused to accept this fact.

  Thanks to the positioning function of the power of the soul, Xie Heng found Jiang Bozhou's foothold without any effort.

  "Your Majesty." Jiang Bozhou murmured for a long time and only uttered two words. He seemed to be in trouble with a real god, so running away wasn't going to solve the problem.

  Xie Heng stood beside him, waiting patiently for his explanation.

  "I'm sorry." Jiang Bozhou looked down at the ground. He really didn't know what to say and apologized based on instinct. If he didn't feel wrong, the God of Light seemed angry. He was so reckless - it was all his fault.

  Will the gods ignore him? Let him become a man abandoned by the gods again?

  "Don't be angry, okay?" Jiang Bozhou suddenly raised his head and looked into Xie Heng's eyes, his voice trembling, almost pleading, "Your most loyal believer begs your forgiveness."

  "I will not be angry with you because you are my only exception." Xie Heng took a step forward, hooked Jiang Bozhou's little finger, and confessed softly. According to legend, gods have no desires. Apart from his concern for Zhouzhou, there is no big difference between him and the gods.

  "But Zhouzhou, why would the most loyal believer abandon his beloved god?" Xie Heng approached, picked up Jiang Bozhou's chin, and scratched it twice.

  Jiang Bozhou felt itchy and couldn't help but grab Xie Heng's hand. This action seemed to have been done thousands of times before, as if it had been engraved in his bones and became an instinct. Jiang Bozhou let go of Xie Heng's hand like a bell, not daring to look at Xie Heng.

[BL] I Just Love That Paranoid Villain [END]Where stories live. Discover now