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Frisk blinked their eyes open, the vastness of the pit that had claimed them coming into view out of the darkness.

So they should have figured that wouldn't work. With their newfound strength and sturdiness, there was no way a simple fall would have done a whole lot of damage. Either way, they were underground now; underground with the monsters where they belonged. Once the first pricks of hunger began to poke at their belly and an insatiable thirst claimed their throat, they realized that they had to leave the surface. Frisk couldn't trust themselves on the surface with this kind of hunger, a hunger that could only be tamed through something Frisk would never be willing to do; harming another person, something that could actually kill.

Frisk could never live a life that depended on the murder and maiming of others, and thus decided that this life had to end. They just didn't realize dying would be so difficult like this.

Either way, sitting about would do no good and no good can be held from wasting time, and so Frisk stood, looking about the bed of golden flowers. They were pretty, and would probably have looked a whole lot better had Frisk not fallen on them. Dusting themselves off, they headed into the unknown through foreign halls of an ancient ruin till they reached a door with a riddle inscribed on the wall to its side. If navigating the rest of the ruins would be like this, the journey would at least be entertaining.

Skipping to the part they arrive at the home because reasons

Frisk looked up at the arches and ridges of the small home, and seeing such a sight in a place like the ruins filled them with determination, a kind that they had not felt in a long while. The path here had been easy and interesting only in the regard of the puzzles laid out before them, but they met no one. Sure, Frisk could see monsters lurking in the shadows and corners, but none dared to confront them, and Frisk had to wonder why. Maybe they knew what had happened, what Frisk was, despite the fact that they still appeared human.

They stepped through the door of the home and looked around. It was quaint, and nice, but abandoned all the same. Well, abandoned may have been a strong choice of words for the situation, as spiders had found the apparent nooks and crannies a wonderful place to call home. The fact that, even after the original owners had left, this house was still a home, was comforting to Frisk as they wandered through it.

Frisk, despite having a craving to explore and discover new things, had a hunger that made them think in an entirely different way. Perhaps down here, there was something for them to eat. They wandered the house, finding a kitchen and more importantly; a fridge. They pulled open the door, and looked inside. There was nothing but a bar of chocolate, and although it wouldn't curb their hunger, they took it anyway, putting it in their pocket.

Afterwards, they took the stairs down into a dark hallway and followed it. They had a keen eye in the shadows now, but the colors and shading of things seemed rather.. Off. However, it didn't matter, and they soon reached the large, decorated door. What ever was on the either side, Frisk was ready and determined to face it.

With a forceful push, the huge door creaked open and a cold air rushed past, brushing their hair and chilling them down to the bone. At least they were wearing their favorite sweater, or this trip would be a little more unpleasant. They stepped out into the chill and took everything in. There was a cobble road leading through a pine forest, and snow caked the earth and trees. It was a pretty sight to take in, but Frisk wanted to find a snack more than they cared to enjoy the scenery, and so they continued down the path and into the woods.

As they walked, there came a breaking of a branch. They turned, and saw nothing. A few moments later, there was a foot step. When they turned, they saw nothing. Although Frisk appreciated a good joke and scare, they were a little preoccupied with more pressing matters. There was a bridge with wooden beams across it, but those beams and bars were too far apart to stop anyone from going through, and Frisk had to wonder what the point of them was.

Vamp!tale (Chara x Frisk)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora