2. Comebacks

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1. Billy Bob Joe Cyrus: You can't even spell correctly, you dumb shit.

"No, but I can still fuck your bitch."

2. Kayla : Oh my god, you're ugly

"I'm not your mirror, sorry."


3. Kayla again: Nobody would EVER date you!

"Oh I'm so sorry, was that meant to offend me? 'Cause right now the only thing offending me right now is your face so if you could please shove off, that'll be great."


4. Idiot: Can unicorns be purple?

Me: Can you shut up?


5. Kayla: You suck!

"And you swallow."


6. Jason: Get lost!

"Maybe I'll find your friends back there."


7. Teacher : Where's your homework?

"I think your confusing me with someone who gives a shit."


8. Jason: It's time for you to get a watch!

"I left mine at home, but according to yours, you need to stop acting like a third grader."


9. Douchebag: Your breath stinks! What did you eat this morning?

"Your sister."


10. Kayla : I hate you!

"Your life must be sad if you have nothing else better to do but annoy me."


If you're confused with a joke or something you can also comment and I'll probably respond and explain it to you. Don't worry about looking like a idiot, everyone has their moments.

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