11. Dat Awkward Moment

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1. Dat awkward moment when Manuela reads your shitty ass book


2. Dat awkward moment when you walk in on your parents having sex.

And your just like ," I DIDNT SEE SHIT!"


3. Dat awkward moment when YOUR parents walk in on you having sex.

And your just trying to cover yourself up.


4. Dat awkward moment when you notice someone's fly is open but you don't know how to tell them without them asking you why you were looking that low.


5. Dat awkward moment when you post on Facebook " MY LIFE SUCKS! I DONT WANNA LIVE ANYMORE! I WANT TO DIE " and people click the 'like' button.

And your like," Really?"


6. Dat awkward moment when you FINALLY confess to your crush and they either turn you down or tell you their gay!



7. That awkward moment when you spell a common word correctly but it looks funny so your just staring at it for like a zillion minutes.

And it gets on your nerves every time you see it.


8. Dat awkward moment when the moment is awkward but you can't say its awkward because that will just make it more awkward.

And your just like *Pokerface*


9. Dat awkward moment when you see your crush and starts acting like a retarded penguin and your crush sees you.

And your just like," Oh that's funny!" Pretending your talking to somebody.


10. Dat awkward moment when your stalking someone and accidentally like something from like 5 fucking years ago.

And your like,"What the fuck? Do you have to be such a dumbass?!" While faceplaming yourself.

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