28. Funny Insults

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1. Hey, this is the village, they want their idiot back.

2. I'm a smartass? It's better than you being a dumbass.

3. Am I getting smart with you? How would you know?

4. Any connection between your reality and mine is purely coincidental.

5. I'd challenge you to a battle of wits, but I see your unarmed.

6. Can you speak clearly? Or is your mouth always full of shit?

7. Would you like a side of epic with that fail?

8. I'm sorry, but I don't speak slut.

9. Don't you feel a little but lightheaded? Because you've lost your mind!

10. Some people bring happiness wherever they go, but you bring happiness whenever you go.


If it were me and I insulted someone like a boss, I would say,"And bitch, you just got... BURNED, MOTHA FUCKA!"

Idk, that's just me. Peace out!


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