18. Funny Quotes

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1. Depression is merely anger without the enthusiasm.

2. The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.

3. If you think nobody cares, try missing a couple of payments.

4. Hard work pays off in the future, lazyness pays off now!

5. I'm on a seafood diet, I see food, I eat it.

6. M.A.T.H = Mental Abuse To Humans

7. If you have a problem, FACE IT!


8. 10 year olds on Facebook with their status " It's complicated ". What'd someone do? Steal your animal crackers?

10. Let's eat, grandma.

Punctuation saves lives.


Staying home with my sisters. At least it's quiet in my room. Spent the day playing Minecraft and watching Naruto. I'm a big fat ass nerd. Enough of me telling you bout my daily boring life.

Who am I kidding, that was just a short 5 sentences ( If I can count correctly ).

And damn, we're nearing 400 reads. That's awesome. Peace out!


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