25. Funny Poems

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1. Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Use a clichè poem on me,
I'll shove your head in dog poo!


2. Roses are red,
Violets are called violet for a fucking reason!!


3. Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
You smell like a monkey,
Go live in a zoo.


4. Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
I want to run over you with my car,
Throw you off a bridge so high,
I hope you break your neck and die.


5. Beans, beans,
Are good for your heart,
The more you eat,
The more you fart,
The more you eat,
The more you fart,
The more time you'll be sitting on a toilet seat.


6. Roses are red,
Valentines' day is crap,
I don't have a girlfriend,


7. Roses are red,
Lemons are sour,
Open your legs,
Give me an hour.


8. A, B, C, D, E, F , G,
Gummy bears are chasing me,
One is red,
One is blue,
One is trying to steal my shoe,
Now I'm running for my life,
'Cuz the red ones' got a knife.


9. Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Sunflowers are yellow,
You thought this was going to be funny,
But no, this is just gardening facts.


10. Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
I'm glad I finally realized,
I'm better without you.

It's funny how I always so I'm not gonna tell you guys about my life story but I always do anyway. It's so weird. I should like duct tape my mouth and hands. Anyway, I dedicate this chapter to PrincipessaPoody for voting and commenting. I always think her name says PrincessPoop I don't know why, guess it just looks similar.

If PrincipessaPoody is reading this, well I went onto your wall and checked it out. And damn, your one deep person. You're a awesome drawer but I think I'm better. (Not really, I'm just good at letters and stenciling)

And ducks are much better than horses. Ducks are adorable and the word duck is just fun to say. Plus they made a game out of it, Duck, Duck, Goose. There's no game for horses but if there is, it should be, Pony, Pony, Horse.

Peace out!


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