53. Shit to do in School

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1. Stand up and act outraged when the teacher gives you homework. Pound the table and shout,"NO, I WILL NOT TOLERATE THIS BULLSHIT OF YOURS, OLD LADY!"

2. Run to the window and cry because your imaginary friend committed suicide by diving off a cloud in his/her underwear.

3. Raise your hand and ask the teacher if you can go take a shit.

4. Start asking people in the bathroom random questions such as: How big is your poop?

5. Slam people's lockers shut as soon as they open it.

6. Tell the teacher that they smell.... like cats.

7. Smear chocolate on a piece of toilet paper and go around showing people it saying that you used it to wipe your ass and those are the remains of your poop.

8. Walk into a random class at a random period and sit in someone's seat.

9. Go hugging trees that are around the campus.

10. Get up and start stretching while the teacher is talking. Even better if her back is turned.


So right now I'm taking a break from my 100 question Semester 1 Review from math. It sucks. That's all I have to say about it.

There's answers on the very back but I'm not a cheater like that but that's also because it's too much work to go all the way to the end. I'm that lazy. Plus the fact I don't remember shit doesn't help. This just proves how good of a student I am! I'm actually a B student but I get mostly As. I don't know how I do it considering I do my homework in class in the morning or don't do it at all.

I wonder, does anybody actually like school? Peace out!


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