64. Random Ass Shit

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1. Mom: Where'd you learn how to drive?

Me: Grand Theft Auto


2. Friend: This girl is making fun if me for dating Jared.

Me: What happened? Why?

Friend: She thought I was dating Jared from subway.

Me: What'd you tell her?

Friend: That his foot long doesn't cost five dollars.


3. Me: What laptop do you have?

Friend: I have a HP G-62 with a Intel core i3 processor 2.3 Ghz, Windows 7, and 64 bits. And 2 Gb RAM with a Intel 1 Gb graphics card. What about you?

Me: I've got a red one.


4. Boss: Your uncle came looking for you yesterday.

Employee: Wait, what? I left to go to my uncle's funeral!!


5. Friend: What'd you get on number 16 on your math homework?

Me: Number sixteen?

Friend: Yeah... On the back.



6. Girl: I look like shit.

Me: If that's your way of saying ugly, then yes, yes, you do.


7. Kid: Dad, what's the meaning of life?

Dad: I don't know, son, the Internet are down.


8. Guy: Do you like alphabet soup?

Girl: Sure

Guy: Just make sure not to choke on the D


9. Girl to Boy: You're stupid.

Me: No, he isn't.

Boy: Thank you. Finally, Simone agrees with me.

Me: He's the stupidest.

(I made this joke. Be proud of me)


Ok, what the hell? I had 45 jokes all mashed into here and now they're all gone. This is bullshit, Wattpad must you be such a bitch? Well thank Wattpad guys for shortening this FINAL chapter. Yes, I know, very sad but there is a World's Funniest Shit 3 up, so check that out. I'm still pissed at Wattpad now.

Anyway, I read through this book and literally cringed at myself at the endings and how much of a idiot I sounded. *Shivers* Don't know how you guys dealt with me, couldn't even type using English. I apologize. Other than that, thank you all for the votes, comments, and all that stuff. This is still bullshit how it deleted almost everything. Hell, there isn't even ten jokes.

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