36. Funny Quotes

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1. I don't give anyone a reason to hate me, they create their own out of pure jealously.

2. Dèjá Moo: I think I've heard this bullshit before.

3. How many times do I have to say "Excuse me" before "GET THE FUCK OUTTA MY WAY!" becomes acceptable?

4. Revenge? I'm too lazy. I'll just sit here and let karma fuck you up.

5. When I was five, sticking out my tongue was like giving someone the middle finger.

6. The words "Ladies first" were probably invented just so the guys can check out their ass.

7. I hate how spiders just sit on the wall and act like they pay the rent.

8. People wouldn't be overweight if they run as much as their mouth does.

9. I talk to myself because I like dealing with a high class of people.

10. Never try to drown your troubles. I've tried that. Guess where that got me? Into jail.


Yesterday was a pain in the ass. The left strap of my backpack broke during school because of all the shit I had in there. Books, notebooks, and more fucking notebooks. It was so awkward going home. I walk home, just so you know.

It's so uncomfortable carrying a backpack by the right strap. I had to drag it. I probably looked really stupid. So, I got a new one. Oh, I love school, don't you? Peace out!


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