51. Corny One-Liners

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1. What do you call a fake noodle?

A impasta!


2. What do you call a reptile in a suit?

A in-vest-i-gator.


3. What did the tomato say when he was running behind his friend?

"I'm trying to ketchup!"


4. How do you kill a killer bee?

You use a bee bee gun.


5. Why are frogs always so happy?

They eat whatever that bugs them.


6. How do you organize a space party?

You planet.

(Read out loud)


7. Why are math books always so sad?

Because they have a lot of problems.


8. Why do people in France eat snails?

Because they don't like fast food.


9. What's Frankenstein's favorite ice cream?



10. Why do grown-ups still put candles on their birthday cakes?

They like to make light of their age.


Holy shit, were those corny. In class, Science to be precise, my friend brought up blue waffles because he's a perverted ass freak and this annoying girl (No offense) didn't know what that was and said she's going to search up pics on Google.

Pretty bad idea. Don't search up 'Blue Waffles' on Google. Don't. And if you already know what that is, good for you. For those that don't, it's definitely not blue waffles.

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