34. Funny Convos

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1. Friend: I bet you can't say the alphabet faster than me.

Me: Challenge accepted! A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I...

Friend: The alphabet.

Me: Well fuck you too.


2. Son: DAD! DAD! There's a monster under my bed!!

Dad: Enjoy it while you can, son. One day, when you get married, that monster will be sleeping with you in bed.

Son: Ewwww. I don't wanna get married. Girls are weird!


3. Mother to father: Go have a word with your son, I found a stack of porno magazines under his bed."

Father walks into his son's room and says,"Y'know if you keep reading those inappropriate magazines, you'll get blind."

"I'm over here dad!"


4. The entire school: You don't talk much.

Me: Because I hate you all.


5. Ex: You look good. You lost some weight, not saying you're fat.

Me: Oh, yeah. I found this new diet.

Ex: What's it called?

Me: Happiness... I found it when I left you.


6. Me: I failed the health and safety test.

Friend: My god, how?

Me: So the question was,"What steps do you take during a fire?" And I wrote,"Fucking large ones." Apparently I was wrong.


7. Creepy girl: I need you in my life. I really like you. I feel like there is something missing in my lif. And only you can fix that.

Me: The letter E. There fixed it.


8. Stupid Player: Dude, my girlfriend is such a lier! I'm gonna break up with her.

Me: Why?

Stupid Player: She said she slept with her sister.

Me: So? That's normal, they're siblings.

Stupid Player: Uh, no! I was the one that slept with her sister! She's such a lier.

Me: Bro, I think you're the one that's fucked up...


9. Me: Can't believe you cheated on my with that slut! You're just like a penny.

Ex: What? How?

Me: You're two-faced. You're always dumped on the streets but is still in everyone's pants.

Ex: Damn, I want you back.


10. Friend: Would you wear shoes if you didn't have feet?

Me: Guess not.

Friend: Then why do you wear a bra?

Me: Why do you wear pants?

Friend: Well played, sir. Well played.


So I was reading this post on Instagram or whatever and it said,"The best things in life are mistakes." And I thought about me.

Cuz, damn bro, I'm one big ass mistake. Which means I'm the best of the best! Hell yeah! I'm so happy it's Thanksgiving. No school for a week..... FREEDOM, BITCHES! Peace out!


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