50. Things to do in Walmart

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1. Complain to the workers that there aren't any walls for sale.

2. Walk into the "Employees Only" place and when they escort you out kick, scream, and yell,"PEDOPHILE!" As loud as you can.

3. Buy a pack of gum and pay with a $100 bill.

4. Ask people how they're doing and when their answering you interrupt them by saying,"Bullshit! I don't care!"

5. Sit on the floor and read a book.

6. Go into the bathroom stalls and start talking randomly to strangers when their doing their business.

7. Put on as many hats as you can and walk around with a longass hat collection.

8. Purposely spill a bottle of water on the floor and wait for someone to trip.

9. Start making out with a pillow.

10. Start planking everywhere.


Hey. There's two other chapters like this in World's Funniest Shit 2. And sorry for not posting as often but I have a lot of shit to do. There's so many fucking projects for school.

But speaking of Walmart. I actually did #5. I didn't sit on the floor, I took the book from the stand and started reading it while pushing the cart around. I finished the book the second day doing that. It was like a Percy Jackson book, The Mark of Athena or something like that. Peace out!


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