59. Funny Convos

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1. Me: Can I have some paper?

Friend: Sure.

Me: Can I have 10 dollars?

Friend: Hell no.

Me: What's money made out of?

Friend: Paper.



2. Police: How high are you?

Me: No, officer, it's hi, how are you.


3. Friend: Can I plz have $20?

Me: Why did you say plz instead of please?

Friend: It's shorter.

Me: Well, then I'll say no instead of yes because that's shorter.

Friend: If you just said "Yes" that would be shorter than that whole sentence.

Me: If you would just SHUT UP, it'll be shorter than anything.


4. Normal Friend: Oh, that looks good on you.

Best Friend: Shrek called, he wants his face back!


5. Boy: I'd like to call you. What's your number?

Girl: it's in the phone book.

Boy: But I don't know your name!

Girl: That's in the phone book, too.


6. Wife: No-Shave-November is stupid, go shave!

Bearded Husband: Sure.

*Comes back bald*


7. Girl: Leave me alone! I'm fine! *Crying her eyes out*

0.15 seconds later...

Girl: Don't ignore me!

Boy: *Mutters* She's on her period again.


8. Doctor: It's a girl!

Woman: I think ill name her Sarah.

Doctor: Sorry, that name's already taken. May I suggest AyeItsSarah or Sarah930?


9. Friend: Why didn't you answer my call yesterday?

Me: I was dancing to my ringtone.

Friend: Six times?

Me: Yep, can't get enough.


10. Mom: Why is everything on the floor?!

Me: Ever of gravity?

Mom: Ever heard of a smartass being grounded?

Me: No and let's keep it that way.


Finally finished this chapter! I've had this for quite a while because I couldn't find any more funny poems but now it's finished. Pretty happy about that. Peace out!


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