CH 1: First day at work

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I'm glad you're giving my book a chance. Please mind the grammar and spelling mistakes. My writing gets better with every chapter.

[My stories do NOT represent Islam, they represent most Muslims nowadays]

So leave the comments about this to yourself. Thanks.



Aliah's POV

The sound of my alarm woke me up at 6 am. I stood up asking myself if I really needed this job, I'm not a morning person.. getting up at 6 am every day is going to be hard but I needed the money. I live in a small but cosy apartment. I have a younger brother, Saïd, who's 4 years younger than me, he doesn't live at home anymore. He lives on his own in Philadelphia for his education. He didn't want to leave me in the first place, but I assured him that I would be fine without him. That's why I needed this job, it gets well paid and I need the money. If I miss one month of rent again, I would be forced to move out of the apartment. I had it rough since my parents died 5 years ago. They died due to a car accident and it wasn't their fault by the way. A drunk truck driver ignored a red stop light and- well, they died instantly. That's why I promised myself to never learn how to drive, I can live without a driving license.

I took a quick shower and got dressed. I decided to wear a black maxi skirt with a white blouse tucked into it. I wrapped a light brown scarf around my head that matched with my heels. I looked at myself in the mirror and left my bedroom when I was satisfied with my outfit. I took an apple from the kitchen to eat on the way. It was a 20 minute walk, which wasn't that long. I'd rather walk for an hour than drive for 10 minutes. I took my keys, phone and black bag from the counter and was heading out. A 20 minute walk in heels.. Bismillah, here we go.

I arrived at work and the receptionist welcomed me, she smiled and asked what she could do for me. I'll be happy if they're all this friendly.

"Good morning, I'm starting today as the new receptionist", I said politely.

"Oh, you're replacing Victoria", she said pointing to the other side of the room.

"C'mon I'll show you where you can drop your stuff and I'll help you settle in", she said and I followed her.

"So, what you're doing is easy, you're the first and last person seen by residents and visitors as they travel through the building, so just greet every person that enters and leaves the building with a smile. Further, you'll get a few assignments that you will need to finish everyday. That's all, not that hard is it?" She said with a giant smile on her face.

"Thank you so much, What's your name?" I asked

"Oh stupid me, I'm Elizabeth, but you can call me Eliza. You're Aliah right?"

"Yes, nice to meet you and thank you for the explanation." I thanked her and she then showed me where everything was.

"The building is big, so don't get lost", she smiled and left to her desk. Me getting lost? Pssh.. Never..

*4 hours later*

"Okay I'm lost", I whispered to myself.

I was looking for the canteen, but I ended up in a fancy part of the building. Great job Aliah, always getting yourself into trouble. Okay, just go back from where you ca-

"Hey! Watch where you're going", a low voice said on a quite loud volume.

I bumped into someone's chest, making me almost fall, thank God I didn't.

"I'm sorry I-", I started but he interrupted me.

"No! next time keep your head up woman", okay this dude was just rude.

"Some 4 year olds are politer than you", I snapped back.

He turned around and was observing me with his green eyes.

"Well Well, you have a big mouth, haven't you?", he said still observing me from head to toe.

"Whatever, jerk", I responded and walked away.

This guy is an employee just like me, someone needs to teach him some manners. Ugh men, they're all the same..

Half an hour later, I managed to find the canteen with the help of a nice young lady. I'm glad that they're not all like that jerk from earlier. To be honest, he was pretty handsome. He has bright green eyes, light brown hair that was cut shorter on the sides and he was muscularly build. It's a shame that his outside doesn't match his inside..

I finally arrived home after 8 hours of work. Even though I've just been sitting at a desk most of the time, I still was pretty tired. I discovered a few things today, my boss' name is Harris Cooper. He's rich and, according to Eliza, really handsome. Also the Victoria girl, the woman that did this job before me, was fired. The boss didn't like her, so he fired her. I'll make sure he likes me, I'm not going to lose this job. I needed it too bad.

Harris' POV

Who does this chick thinks she is? Talking to me like that. Who is she anyway? I've never seen her here before.

"Donald, who is the woman with the scarf on her head?" I asked the HR manager of the company. She's the only one that ever dared to open her mouth to me like that.

"Oh, she's the new receptionist. She's replacing Victoria, the one you fired last week, remember?" Of course I remember her. She was sleeping around with every guy that worked at MY company, I have no place for sluts. I'm the only one allowed to sleep with anyone that works for me.

"So please don't fire this one too", he finished.

"What's her name?" I asked.

"Aliah Samuni." he responded.

"Hmm." and with that I left.

She was different than most girls, she was covered from head to toe. What I could see wasn't that bad, she had brown eyes, big lips and was pretty short. She almost fell when she bumped into me, I'm muscularly build after all. That girl has the guts to talk to me like that? I'll make her apologise tomorrow. I smiled at the thought...

Oh this is going to be fun.


A'Salamu Alaikoum guys,

I've decided to start a new story that is quite similar to my first one.


Let me know what you think of the story by voting :)

~ Edited by R3Hijabi ~

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