CH 4: Getting personal.

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Harris' POV

"Hey wait up!" I shouted to Aliah who couldn't wait to get away from us.

"Wait, why are you in such a hurry?"

"I'm not gonna just stand there and watch how you dirty talk and kiss your girlfriend." She said as she kept walking towards the car.

"Dirty talk? That was 'dirty' to you? Then you should see us busy." I smirked trying to make her more uncomfortable.

"Shut up." she responded.

As we arrived at the car she waited at the passenger side until I unlocked the doors.

"Are you jealous or something?" I asked looking at her above the roof of the car.

"What? You wish. Now unlock the car we need to get back to work." she scoffed, holding the doorknob.

Did this girl forget that I'm the boss and that I decide when we're starting to work again?

"You know that I'm the boss right?"

"Yeah, so?" She asked.

"So, I'm hungry.. We're going to get some food first." I said unlocking the car doors.

I got in and she did the same.

"Where are we going?" She asked.

"To one of my favorite places." I responded as I started the car.

Aliah's POV

Wasn't I subtle enough? I didn't want to spent more time with him alone. I think he got the hint but he's going to spend as much time with me as he wants just to annoy me more

Whatever, at least I'm getting some food in me. I was pretty hungry anyway.

We arrived at the restaurant and was surprised at how fancy it looked.

"I can't afford this restaurant? Are you crazy?" I said shocked. I think nobody can except mister rich over here.

"Who told you that you have to pay?" He responded looking down towards me. Mister Cooper was pretty tall, he was 6ft and I was around 5ft tall.

"No I'll pay. I'll find some money if I dig deep." I responded but whispered that last part. I hate it when people offered to pay for me. It seemed like I can't stand on my own 2 feet. I can take care of myself. I don't need anybody.

"Definitely not! You're here during work hours, so the company pays and that's the end of this discussion."

Fine, I'll give him this one.

"Fine." I responded.

We walked in and the lady that provides us with a table looked at me like she wasn't expecting me with him.

"Mister Cooper, a table for 2?" She asked.

"Yes please." Harris responded.

What's wrong with people these days? Looking at me like I can't afford eating at her restaurant.. Well, actually I can't but that wasn't the point.

We followed her to our table and she excused herself telling that our waitress would be right over.

A few minutes later our waitress arrived at our table and asked what we wanted to eat and drink.

"What are you getting?" Harris asked me. I looked at the menu and was suprised at how much an ordinary salad cost. Freaking 49 dollars for a salad? I'm just going to pick the cheapest dish.

"For me, the panini without chicken please." I said as I looked to the waitress. She wrote what I ordered down and looked over at Harris.

"What about you?" She asked him.

The CEO's unexpected love ✔Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα