CH 33: An unexpected guest

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"I heard the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) say, 'Your children are roaming freely in the Garden of Paradise'."

-Al-Bukhari, 8.3


Aliah's POV

Everything went smoothly after Harris left. Natasha and her family decided not to press charges. Which was great of course but you could clearly see the regret in Saïd's voice and behaviour, he somehow blamed himself for the death of his son. It wasn't his fault, it just wasn't meant to be. I'm sure his child is in a better place.

I offered Saïd to stay at our place for a few days but he rejected the offer. Saying he was fine and needed to get back to school. I wasn't going to argue with him on that. He's old enough to know what he needs.

So Saïd left and I was at home, alone again. Reminiscing about the past, my parents and old friends. I didn't have any friends, I don't remember making any at least. I used to have friends, but I pushed everyone away after my parents died. I've been through tough times, times no one could ever understand.

Just imagine losing your parents, the ones that make sure you eat everyday, the ones that stay up until midnight, waiting for you to get home. The ones that would give their life away just so you could have a normal one. The ones who love you to death.

The ones I also loved and missed to death.

My phone rang pulling me out of thoughts again. It was Harris, probably going to tell me he was working late.

"Aliah, I'll be in late. You don't need to wait up."

Before I could even respond, he had already hung up the phone.

I looked at the phone with a confused look, trying to figure out what was wrong now. It sounded like he didn't want to see me. He also was going to work quite early, so I wouldn't see him until tomorrow evening. Or maybe until the day after that or the week after that.

No. I shook my head and put my coat on, making my way to the front door.

I'll go surprise him, I still owed him for what he did at the hospital..

I decided to walk to work. I actually was excited to see where I used to work and to see how Harris was doing. Maybe I had some friends at work or maybe I was the weird kid. Harris gave me the address of the company a few days ago, so I just put the address in my phone and followed the gps.

I looked around as I was walking, enjoying the cold air on my cheeks, until I noticed that the neighbourhood we lived in was really fancy. Harris must be a rich man. An honest poor man cannot live here without a salary. I guess a CEO gets paid very well whenever the company is doing great.

"Hey, can I ask you something?" a random guys asked. I had never seen him before, dark skinned, brown eyes and a normal build posture.

Harris told me to not talk to anyone or to believe anyone if they assume that I knew them.

"Sorry, I'm late for work" I lied and started walking again.

"Just gonna take a minute" he said jumping in front of me, forcing me to stop.

I sighed and eventually gave in. "Sure"

"I'm looking for a place to eat around here, I'm new so I don't know where everything is just yet." He asked. A normal question. Yet I was still scared. Maybe it's because of what Harris said and repeated every single day.

"Oh, sorry I don't know, I can't help you sorry." Couldn't say I lost my memory and wasn't able to remember a thing, could I.

"Oh okay, thanks anyway" He smiled and then left.

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