CH 42: Pregnant?

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Aliah's POV

I stared at the picture, eyebrows furrowed, eyes confused. Thinking of how I could possibly describe the picture..

It was big.

No it wasn't big, it was huge.

I heard Harris placing his hand on the doorhandle and pulling it down, I quickly turned the phone upside down and tried to not look suspicious in any way.

He walked into the room, took his shirt off and got into the bed.

"We have an appointment tomorrow by the way, It's a bit further away but-"

He stopped talking when he noticed his phone upside down.

"Is something wrong?" I asked after clearing my throat.

He picked his phone up and looked at the screen. I currently was shitting my pants, worried he would get mad for looking into his phone.


"Yes?" I responded with a high pitched voice.

"Did you look into my phone?" He asked. I couldn't read if he was mad or if he didn't mind.

"No." I lied.

He made eye contact with me and raised his eyebrows.

"Yes..." I eventually said.

"Why?" He asked.

Well if my husband smiles at his phone, I obviously will look into it. And I think every girl is like that.

"You were smiling at your phone earlier and-"

"-And you didn't trust me" He chuckled annoyed while shaking his head.

"No I did-do, but I don't know.."

He got out of bed and started pacing.

"There goes my surprise."

"What do you mean surprise and why is this girl talking to you about houses?" I asked.

I wasn't connecting the dots yet.

"Please Aliah, just think for once."

For once? I'm pretty sure I'm way smarter than you.

"For once?" I scoffed.

"No I didn't mean it like that." He said sitting back down. He sighed and looked me in the eyes.

"She's an old friend who's a real estate agent, I'm looking into new houses for us to live in." He said.


"Wait so you're-" I said when I finally realised what he was planning on doing, but he interupted me and finished the sentence. "We're moving Aliah, I was going to plan a huge surprise when I got the house but I guess you partly ruined that now".

"I'm so sorry Harris, I should've trusted you."

I felt horrible for not trusting him. I have so much trust issues lately. Those issues would someday drive Harris and I apart and I can't let that happen.

"Yeah you should, when are you going to understand that you're the person I'm in love with? the person I want to spend the rest of my life with, I would never do something that could possibly hurt you in anyway.. I love you too much for that." He said, making my heart melt with every single word he said but also making me feel bad for not trusting him.

"I'm so sorry." I said again, tears stinging the back of my eyes. I hated myself at this moment. How could I do that?

"So anyway it doesn't matter, I somehow understand why you did it. I would honestly do the same." He smiled and leaned in, gently pressing his lips against my cheek.

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