CH 35: Memories

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"An incident would take her down memory lane"


Harris' POV

And there she goes again. Always running away from her problems instead of dealing with the consequences. She disappears without a trace, not considering that everyone is worried about her.

Couldn't she have given me a chance to explain myself?

"Is she gone?" Flora asked. She walked into the living room with a worried expression on her face.

I started pacing while running my fingers through my hair, thinking what the hell I should do next.

"You need to talk to her."

"No, I'll give her some space for now" I responded.

"But YOU" I said pointing at her. "how.. explain!" I was so confused about everything. Victoria somehow claiming Flora was alive and she wasn't lying after all. And then Flora turning up at my place.

"Harris you're happy and I don't wanna ruin that, Aliah is amazing and-"

Yeah she is.

"Just tell me what happened please, where were you the past few years" I calmed down and gave her the time to explain everything. I'm sure she has a valued explanation for everything.

She took a deep breath, pulled the chair from the kitchen table back and sat down.

"Witness protection Harris." She eventually said after taking a short 2 second break.

"What?" I replied confused.

"Before we met, I got into some trouble. I witnessed to get someone behind bars but I didn't know at that time he had alot of accomplices. They were after me during the time we were together but it wasn't that bad at first."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"Continue" I crossed my arms and listened carefully.

"It got out of hand... They forced me to fake my own death and to move away to another country and live with a different name. Nobody knew except for my parents." She stopped and I saw that her eyes were slowly filling up with tears.

"I'm so sorry Harris I never meant to hurt you."

"So why are you back?" I coldly asked.

"Because I'm free now. They arrested everyone involved."

I chuckled out of confusing.

"So you lied during the time we were together?" It was more a rhetorical question.

"Do you have any idea what I went through huh?! You freaking broke me Flora!" I started shouting and I knew I shouldn't have, but I was angry, furious.

"Sorry.. really."

"It's too late for an apology Flora." I calmed myself down by walking back and forth.

"So why are you back?" I asked once again.

She carefully came closer and grabbed my hand. "I still love you Harris, that feeling never left."

I pushed her hand away and turned around.

"I don't love you anymore Flora, that feeling died with you that day"

"You're lying, turn around and say that to my face" She whispered. I could feel that she was really close. Closer than she should.

I turned around and stared at her before saying something.

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