CH 16: Marry me?

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Just wanna ask for one thing, vote for this chapter and show me your support. Your support is the only thing I get from writing. (not complaining lol haha)

I'm sure that we can get way more likes than we usually get. :)

Enjoy the new chapter


Hariss' POV

After the police incident we finally arrived home. I don't blame Aliah for anything that happened, I practically forced her to drive, so it was only right if I paid for the ticket.

When we opened the door of my loft we realized that somebody was already waiting for us..

It was my mom.


"Mom?" I said suprised.

I think I know what she was doing here.

But she didn't make eye contact with me, she kept looking at Aliah.

"Mom?" I said again trying to get her eyes off of Aliah. Let's just say that my mom isn't the biggest fan of Aliah, probably because she's Muslim.

"What is she doing here?" My mom asked.

"She has a name." I responded.


"Great to see you again miss Cooper, I love your bright purple skirt." Aliah smirked. She then passed my mom and went to 'her room'.

"What the hell is she doing here?? Are you seeing her? I swear to God Ha.." My mom asked but I interrupted her.

"No I'm not seeing her and the question is why the hell are you here?"

"Just came by to check if you have already found yourself a mature human being." She said walking around the room.

"I'm surprised it's so clean in here, I guess you have a cleaning lady now." She said looking towards the guest room.

"Thank God you didn't give me your disrespectful attitude." I responded, annoyed. What the actual hell was wrong with her?

Aliah then came out of her room and walked towards the couch and sat down.

My mom followed her with her eyes until she sat down.

And it was at that moment I finally figured out what I could do so I could get my mom off my back and annoy her at the same time.

"Mom." I said. "You know Aliah, well may I introduce you to my fiancé."

You should've seen her face. Actually, their faces. Aliah gave me one look that screamed 'what the hell do you think you're doing?'.

It actually wasn't that bad of an idea.. She practically lived here, and I could have my mom off my back if I just fake married Aliah.

"Verry funny Harris."

"I'm serious mom." I responded with a serious expression.

I just hope that Aliah isn't going to freak out.

Mom turned to face Aliah and when I thought that she was going to deny our fake marriage, a giant smile appeared on her face.

"Well, I will be so happy to call you my mother in law, mom." Aliah said still with a smile that took over her face.

I was trying to not burst out in laughter for what Aliah said. My mom was shocked and didn't knew what to say or do.

She grabbed her purse and walked towards the front door.

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