CH 19: Jealousy is the worst emotion

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"Jealousy is the worst emotion.
The most bitter.
It eats you up, consumes you.

You over think, and over think, until you can't think any more.

So you just have to sit alone while your insides rip themselves apart.

All because you can't stand the thought of that person being with somebody else."


Aliah's POV

I woke up at 6 am and did my wudhu (ritual ablution before praying). Even though I lived with Harris, I never missed a prayer.

I prayed Fajr and put some decent clothes on. I wrapped my scarf around my head and was about to head towards the kitchen to make some breakfast.

But as I left my room, Harris was already up making breakfast half naked. You know those pictures where a half naked muscular man is in the kitchen making food? Well, now you know what I was looking at.

Even though we're getting married, I still was uncomfortable seeing a man half naked. Well I hope he was halfnaked, because I wasn't able to see his lower bodyparts and if they were covered or not.

I've just prayed for God's sake and now I'm looking at a half naked dude.

As soon as Harris made eye contact I panicked and immediately turned around.

"Oh c'mon Aliah, you will see me half naked more regularly so maybe get used to it?" Harris said breaking the silence.

"Can you just please put a shirt on?" I asked.

He sighed and gave in "fine".

"You can look now, I'm covered" He said, so I turned around. Of course he wouldn't give in that easily.. he lied, surprise suprise.

"Harris?!" I said annoyed as I turned back facing the bedroom door again.

"What? I'm covered.. at least down there." he teased.


"Fine." he added after I gave him the silent treatment.

"Happy? I'm fully covered now, I promise."

I turned around and he was indeed covered.

"You're so annoying, you know that right?" said walking to the kitchen to grab a bowl and some cereal.

"And you're cute" Harris responded.

Cute? Me?

His 'compliment' made a smile appear on my face but I needed to seem mad so he wouldn't repeat this nonsense.

"Cute huh?" I said in a 'playing mad' kind of way.

"You know, annoyingly cute."

He was blushing.

I laughed at his attempt to save himself and sat down to eat.

When I first walked in on him half naked- I mean naked, I thought he was making breakfast for my birthday. He doesnt even know that it was my birthday today, so why the hell would he make breakfast.

"Is my food not good enough for you princess?" Harris asked after I sat down.

"Don't wanna die today, no offence." I smirked

He chuckled "None taken big foot."

"Big foot?" I asked looking immediately at my feet.

I mean, they were bigger than normal feet, but not that they were humongous.

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