CH 28: He woke up

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"How can I miss something I do not remember?"



Aliah's POV

I shouldn't be walking but I was sick of staying in this room all day long. I'll go crazy if I spend any more time in here alone.

My memory was still not back. So I've decided to take matters into my own hands.

For example, visit Harris.

I've been in hospital for over a week now. I can go home in 2 days, to the 'home' I don't remember anymore.

I opened the door of his room slowely. I don't even know why, it's not like he would wake up by me opening the door faster. Maybe I should give it a try.

I looked at him, lying in bed. You could barely see him because of the amount of tubes that were attached to him.

He was so handsome, even with his eyes closed. This was the first time I was visiting him.

I hoped that he would bring back my memory as soon as I looked at him, but that unfortunately only happened in movies.

Saïd tried everything to bring my memory back. Showing pictures, telling stories, showing videos, but that didn't help.

I gave up 4 days ago.

The doctor said and I quote; "Sorry but I don't think that you'll get your memory back". It took too long. But I saw people getting their memory back until after 3 months, so I had a very little hope left.

I took a chair and sat down next to his bed. I examined his face and started talking. They say that a person in a coma can hear you, so talking is what I did.

"So, this is weird. My name is Aliah but I guess you know, I'm the one that lost her memory not you.. stupid, anyway.. I have no idea what you saw in me to marry me. You must've loved me and I must've loved you right? Otherwise we would've never got married." And I kept talking to him like that for another hour. He didn't respond, but I didn't mind. He's a good listener and girls love guys that listen right? Too soon?

I eventually stood up and sat on his bed, just so I could get a closer look. I grabbed his hand and looked at him. We're married, so I'm not doing anything haram*.

"Wake up." I whispered whilst I was rubbing the back of his hand. "Please I'm begging you. You're the only person that can trigger my memory."

The door swung open a few seconds later and I immediately jumped up.

"Aliah." the woman said.

"This is your fault!" She yelled, I flinched at the acidity in her voice. "Get away from my son".

What does she mean by 'this is your fault'?

"But..", I tried but she cut me off

"Get out!" She yelled once again.

I kept my cool and walked passed her without even looking at her. I stopped before closing the door behind me and said "I'm sorry", I then closed the door behind me. I don't even know why I apologised.

I got back into my room and started crying. Saïd wouldn't be back until tonight and I didn't have anyone else.

I crawled back into bed and closed my eyes, falling fast asleep a few minutes later.

I woke up 2 hours later, wide awake. Probably because sleeping was the only thing I did all day, everyday. I sneaked out of my room once again and went back to Harris's. He was the only person I knew, I didn't know what to do otherwise. I hoped that nobody was in there and that his mother had left.

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