CH 5: And the jerk is back!

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Thank you for the support! I love you all!

Enjoy this new chapter and until next Saturday/Sunday!



Aliah's POV

I woke up pretty early today, I wanted to get dressed on my own tempo without rushing like I do pretty much every day. It's been a week since I told Harris, my boss, about my parents' death.. I was happy that I could open up to him, he knows more about me than one of my closest friends. I haven't seen him in a couple of days, he wasn't coming to work and he hasn't called me or anything. Why would he? Either way, he's still my boss..

It was 6.30 am and I would leave to work in 15 minutes. I sat down at the table and started eating some cereal. I'm short on money this week, I get paid at the end of this month so I'll have to save some money to get through these last 2 weeks. The job gets paid pretty well, so I finally wouldn't be worried about money ever again. If I keep this job though, otherwise I'm doomed.

A knock on the door pulled me out of my thoughts and I walked towards the door to look through the loop hole.

"Harris?!" I shouted and I'm pretty sure he heard me.

Okay, scarf scarf, thank God I was dressed.. I don't want him to see me in my pyjamas..

I opened the door and looked at him confused, "What are you doing here?", I asked.

"Rude much, aren't you going to invite me in?" He asked.

I definitely wasn't, the flat was a mess.

"Noop, I was just ab-" I just looked behind me for 1 second and he slipped past me into my messy little apartment.

"Hey, what are you doing? Don't you have any manners?" I asked annoyed.

"I'm your boss remember, so lower the volume." He said whilst looking around. What was wrong with him? One day he's all kind and happy and the other day he's rude as f*ck.

"Didn't your parents teach you how to clean up? Anyway, let's go!" He said coldly. He knew about my parents, so why did he bring them up again? And why the heck was he picking me up in a mood like that, I didn't ask him to pick me up.

"If you're going to be all like 'I'm on my period like a girl' kind of mood, then you can leave. I'll walk to work." I said. I took my bag and waited for him at the door.

He walked towards me and stopped in front of me, I took a few steps back but bumped into the door. He grabbed my shoulder with his right hand and looked me deeply in the eyes without saying anything. He was literally one step away before his body would physically connect with mine, and why was I expecting him to fill in that space?

"You're not allowed to touch me, remember?" I said with a soft voice trying to push him away.

"I'm your boss, I can do whatever I want." He replied taking another step forward. Yup, what did I say?

I was scared about what he was going to do but on the other hand, I knew that he wouldn't do anything that could possibly hurt me. One of my colleagues told me that he had almost slept with every female working employee in his company, so why wouldn't he make a move on me?

He let go of my shoulder and leaned in towards my ear, "Get your stuff, we're going to work, I'm waiting for you in the car." that's all he said and left.

I exhaled heavily like I was holding my breath the entire time he was close to me.

I stood there for a few seconds, trying to realise what just happened. I eventually snapped out of it and grabbed my stuff and closed the front door behind me. I took the elevator downstairs and saw him leaning onto the car, waiting for me.

"You took your time." I could see his smirk from miles away. I rolled my eyes and got in the car, he looked at me from head to toe with that same smirk and eventually started the car. Was something wrong with my outfit? I was wearing a light blue loose jeans with a t-shirt tucked in it with on top a long sleeved maxi cardigan. Nothing unusual, right? Ya Allah, this is going to be one awkward car ride, at least, that's what I thought.


"I can see a pluck of your hair."

"Huh what?" I said as I didn't really understand what he had said.

"I can see a pluck of your hair." He repeated pointing at my head.

"Oh shit." I said and tucked my hair back into my scarf. This was his fault, I didn't have time to do my scarf properly..

He laughed and kept his eyes on the road.

"What's so funny?" I asked. I was really curious, he has a weird kind of humour.

"You." he said.

"That, we all know by now." I said proudly.

"Okay, don't get all cocky, that's my job." He responded whilst he was parking the car.

"Here you go." He said and was about to get out of the car but I stopped him.

"Wait!" I said grabbing his arm. He looked at where I was holding him until I let go. First of all, why was I touching a non-mahram and secondly, why the hell was I grabbing my boss' arm?!

"What?" He said getting back in the car.

"Why did you pick me up?" I asked.

"Because my HR manager told me that you walk to work every single day."

"So?" I asked.

"Soo... I'm going to teach you how to drive and give you a car from the company. Until then, I'll pick you up in the morning and one of my drivers will take you home." What did he just say? He's going to- and he's making who-
"Wait wait?" I said, surprised.

"Maybe I enjoy walking to work, I don't need your pity." I opened the door and got out, he wasn't my father nor brother or husband so he didn't have a say on anything I decided to do.

"Miss Samuni, stop right there or you will be fired!" Harris shouted.

I grabbed my face in my hands and screamed quietly. Sighing, I turned back to face him.

"Why are you doing this? I don't need anyone to look after me." I said.

"Believe me, I'm not looking after you. You're just one of my employees, I just don't want you to be all sweaty when you arrive at work and I don't want you to be tired because you're too scared to learn how to drive." He closed the door of the car and walked passed me.

"Now get to work!" And with that he left. I heard him take the elevator whilst I was still standing on the same spot as earlier. Why, in some kind of way, did his words get to me?

'You're just one of my employees'. I actually was just one of his employees but I thought we had gotten closer in some kind of unromantic way.

That guy was so bipolar. I sighed again and walked towards the elevator, what happened to him in the past few days?


~ Edited by R3Hijabi ~

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