CH 17: Intoxicated

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Aliah's POV

It's been 2 weeks since we both agreed on getting married but things between Harris and I were weird and awkward.

Harris was mostly working all day and when he got home, he locked himself up in his office.

The colleagues were surprised when they found out that we were getting 'married'. Some of them weren't all too happy, a Muslim girl that is engaged with the boss, I mean who would?

We kept the act up and arrived at work together every single day while holding hands. That was the only physical contact I had with him, I promise.

"I've send you the files." I said when I entered Harris' office.

He looked stressed and something about him was off.

"Thanks." he said without making any eye contact.

I think it's the whole marriage thing, he was probably thinking about Flora.

I left and closed the door behind me.

Harris wasn't the only one who was stressed, I was stressed too and him acting this way made it more stressful.

I sighed heavily and sat down. It was one of those day were I was counting down the working hours. I just want this day to be over.

"Hey Aliah, is Harris in his office?" A male voice asked.

I looked up and saw that the handsome bodyguard stood in front of me.

Everytime I saw him I felt insecure. Maybe because he was just too nice and handsome. Omg, I'm not falling for him am I? I don't even know him..

"What you need handsome?" I said in a joky way. It was 2 seconds later I realised that I called him handsome.. out loud.

He chuckled, "yes, I need to talk to the big boss", he said.

"Right euhm, yeah he's in.." I said as I stood up but tripped over the cable of my computer. He grabbed my arm before I face planted on the ground.

At that moment Harris walked outside and saw that Zain was grabbing my arm.

"Hey, don't touch her." Harris shouted.

"No, it's fine I fell and.." I said but Zain interrupted me and let go of my arm. "Harris, sorry euhm, can I talk to you?" Zain asked.

"Sure, but next time keep your hands off my fiancée." I immediately dead stared him but he didn't even bother to look at me.

Zain just saved my face from getting ruined and all Harris cared about was our physical contact?

"Of course boss, not gonna happen again", Zain said.

You have no idea how much I wanted to defend Zain, but it will only get him in more trouble.

"We will talk later." Harris said when he finally made eye contact with me. I was almost worried that he was afraid to look at me.

Zain then walked into Harris' office and the 'boss' himself walked in after him.

"Yes we will" I whispered back to a closed door.

I leaned back and thought about what I did to deserve a jackass fiancé and a handsome off limits dude.


As usual I waited for Harris to finish work so we could go home together as any other normal couple but now I've decided to wait downstairs and chat with Zain while waiting on Harris. Nothing wrong with that right?

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