CH 30: Hospital-what?

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"I'd share my hospital bed with you"



Aliah's POV

Wow, that kiss was amazing.

We talked for a bit after we kissed. I can't explain that kiss, it was magical, amazing. No it was more than amazing, it was something I had never felt before. It was what you would call beautiful. They forced me to go back to my own room after that as it was getting too late.

I was lying in bed staring at the ceiling, the same way as when I woke up. But it was different this time. I wasn't staring at the ceiling confused, unsure about what happened. No, I was staring at the ceiling with a massive grin on my face. A grin no-one could take away.

I grabbed my phone from the bedside table and decided to text Harris.

"Hey, that kiss was amazing, I can't stop thinking about it".

I typed.

After re-reading it a couple times before sending, I deleted every word and tried again.

"That kiss was sick"

What the hell I don't talk like that, I thought.

"I'll never forget our moment"

Too cheesy?

Yeah, too cheesy.

Maybe I shouldn't text him?

No, I need to show him that I really care about him and the situation.

"That kiss was amazing" I typed and sent it immediately.

I still didn't remember anything from before the incident though. I thought that I would at least get some flashbacks after or during that kiss. But that unfortunately didn't happen.

Harris texted back a few minutes later saying, "yeah it was, I hope there'll be a next time. Get some rest now, goodnight."

His text made me smile but that didn't last. I thought about our moment again. What if he kissed me so I would get my memory back? What if he only kissed me because he felt like he needed to do something to help me? So he could feel less guilty about what happened?

My thoughts went from being bright and positive to being gloomy and negative.

What if he only did it to help me and not because he wanted to? Not because he had feelings for me, but only because he wanted me to get my memory back. Would he do that? Would he lie again? Just like our marriage? What if the kiss was also fake?

I didn't sleep that night. My thoughts were too powerful. I needed to know the meaning behind that kiss. I would ask for the divorce papers if he only kissed me to get my memory back. I'm done with liars. I deserve so much more.

Hariss' POV

"Bro look, I really like her."

Saïd burst into my room, furious because I lied about being married to Aliah.

"You son of a bitch, literally, your mom is a bitch!" He shouted. "Stay away from my sister, you don't play her. You can get any other girl, why her?!" He added.

"But wait you're yelling because I lied, but have you told her about your unborn child now that she has lost her memory huh?" Fine by me if he wants to play like that. I'll play along.

"Are you threatening me?" He asked moving a bit closer. His expression showed me how angry he was, he was furious. It was his sister, I understood why. But I would never do something that would hurt her in any way.

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